They've Got No Good Arguments For Harris-Walz So They're Going Back To The "Hitler" Well Yet Again

8 hours ago

Posted • October 23, 2024: Speaking outside the VP's residence in Washington, DC today, Kamala Harris made her campaign's closing argument to voters loud and clear: A vote for Donald Trump is pretty much a vote for Hitler. Harris then took no questions just in case any rogue reporter might ask her to define "fascism": Vice President Harris on Donald Trump: "He does not want a military that is loyal to the United States Constitution, he wants a military that is loyal to him." -- Yes, this is really the best they've got. There are no good arguments in favor of Harris and Walz so they're going back to the "Hitler" well yet again. Yawn. Jennifer Van Laar noted that "just because someone is a retired four-star general doesn't mean they have instant or unflappable credibility."

Kamala Harris used to agree, as social media users have noticed from this post over five years ago: Kamala Harris @KamalaHarris: “John Kelly was the architect of the Trump Administration's cruel child separation policy. Now he will profit off the separation of families. It's unethical. We are better than this.” -- The Democrats will be wondering why their "Trump is Hitler" rhetoric has lost any effectiveness. They will say and do anything to maintain power, up to and including updating who their current "heroes" are: The hypocrisy from the left has no limits. Liz and Dick Cheney, John Bolton, and Gen. Kelly were the worst people in the world until they attacked Trump and now they are the great arbiters of truth. Give me a f**king break. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Here's an Old Post From Kamala Harris About the Guy Dems Now Present As a 'Grand Arbiter of Truth'
RedState: DESPERATE MUCH? Yes, Kamala Harris Really Held a Press Conference Just to Call Donald Trump 'Hitler'
Twitchy: COWARD: Drudge Report Jumps on the 'Trump Praised Hitler!' Media Narrative Train, Locks Replies
RedState: Donald Trump Makes a Swift Response to Kamala Harris' Claim That He 'Invoked Hitler'

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