1 month ago

Posted one day later than 1, 2, 3. AT&T suddenly cut service @ 13:04 when starting final download, following upload to R. ( Long story! ) 😡
One doesn't have to look far nor wide to find FAR LEFTIST threats and violent rhetoric! We have seen MANY in texts and videos. Too many, now, to count. Yet "THEY" keep call us names, "far right" being the least and nicest, threaten us, call for or instigate or support / white-wash violence against us / We the People / PATRIOTS. Then, also BLAME [someone else, personally] for being the "dictator", "Hitler", etc. instigator of violence. I'm more speaking to those who are lifelong "democrats", especially the die-hards (died in the gray wool) and those still HELL bent upon voting democrat. Speaking to THEM, the elite and political puppets will not do any good. Nor will it do any good to try and get through to, as the "Good Book" calls them, "fools" or, the morons. Today, I've posted FOUR / 4 BAD examples of BAD behavior, found in 1 / ONE video! (SGTreport) Keep 'em up, leftists! You shall be judged, one day, by the King of kings. Like it or not - "boo-hoo!". Perhaps SOME of you do NOT
recall days when being called "RIGHT", in any sense meant anything wrong, when also being a "LEFTIST" always meant something bad, usually referring to communists (always associated with oppression, violence, wholesale murder and war), if not their guerrillas and/or guerrilla warfare. ALWAYS! Other, milder examples? "Out in left field" ("Out or their right mind") and "Left-handed comments". (Sorry, lefties.)
--- "RIGHT ON!"
Folks, please, for you own sake, "get on the right side of life!"
< >
I am, always have been and always shall be a free thinking INDEPENDENT. 🇺🇸
Once, I considered myself a more centrist, conservative MODERATE, as most others would have and did, voting across party lines. NO MORE!
Here's what I have to say about and to democrats / LEFTISTS.
The ONLY reason you consider me/us to be "FAR right", is due to how far YOU have moved away from MORAL conservation of "LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (originally, property ownership)", or FREEDOM and "inalienable" HUMAN rights. Therefore, the ONLY "political" lines I shall ever and forever be crossing are those that are of "HIGHER Being" morality. Also, this is WHY i/we have had good reason, devoid of excuse and YOUR brand of desperately evil rationale, motivation and intent to do the innocents, and good and decent HUMAN BEINGS wrong and harm, continually, almost constantly, issuing warnings, making threats, participating in or supporting violence (ie. "peaceful protests"/riots) and creating fear mongering toward and amongst We the People, so have well earned and deserve the label of "DEMONICRATS"!
You are not just only the epitome of delusional (no common sense nor reasoning/reasonable), but also the literal prophetic fulfillment of the wicked/twisted and vile generation calling good "evil" and evil "good".*
In my book (opinion, even aside from the "Good Book"), there are only TWO "parties", 🔵 true blue PATRIOT or "Progressive" red commie👹.
( major flow media ALSO stole our color - do your research )
I'm/we are not your enemy. You have made yourselves an enemy of We the People and of the United States for America. You do not even know OR recognize who THE real ENEMY is. One to whom you have aligned yourself with in servitude or slavery. ⛓️ One who does not care for the lives and welfare or happiness of ANY human being. THE liar and abusive user, who also possesses, if not your soul, your minds and hearts. You are ALL lost in darkness, blind to THE Light of Love. One who will more than gladly lead you ALL into the "fiery lake" of second, final soul-death, and is misleading you now, at this very moment, down that everlasting path.
It is up to YOU to "seek" the Light of Truth and Path to Life. No one else is responsible to or for you in this life's spiritual quest. It should be your only most important goal. IF We have aligned ourselves with LIFE, then to what have you attached yourselves to, none other than DEATH?
Filed under 'Education'
Other options - Faith, Politics
Oct.22, 2024 - 444 - 12 - 3
* Isaiah 5:20
Isaiah 28:15
Matthew 16:4
2Timothy 3:1-9 👁️
2Timothy 4:3
2 Peter 3:3

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