Saturday Studies Daniel 6 Daniel in the Lions Den 10-26-2024

2 months ago

Daniel chapter 6 is Daniel in the Lions Den. The Babylonian Empire has ended, and the Mido-Persian Empire in in power. Darius is the King. Daniel was again in a high position in this Empire, and Darius had thoughts of making him even higher in the organizational chart. However, Daniel's peers didn't like him and tried to make a trap for him that would result in them getting him thrown into the lions den.
Darius was tricked and signed a decree that not even he could alter or stop.
The result was that Daniel was thrown into the lions den, but God's angels protected him and he was not eaten by the lions.
After he was let out of the lions den, his accusers and their families were thrown into the lions den, and the lions then were allowed to eat.
We note some similarities to the people and events in this chapter with people and events taking place in our day in the political arena.
We also could speculate that both Nebuchadnezzar and Darius were influenced by Daniel to believe in the God of Israel, and we may see them in heaven one day.

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