5 Shocking Truths About Putting Up a For Sale Sign (Florida)

4 months ago

Discover the 5 shocking truths about putting up a for sale sign in the real estate market. If you're selling your home in Destin, Florida, you need to watch this!

Pros and cons of putting up a for sale sign

Before you break out the hammer and nails, let's look at some of the pros and cons of putting up a for sale sign when selling your home.

3 Pros of for sale signs

Encourages word of mouth: If you are eager to sell your home, you want the word to spread. When neighbors see a for sale sign in front of your home they may alert friends and family that are looking to buy of the opportunity.

For sale signs are eye-catching: Visitors driving through your neighborhood may find themselves wanting to take a look at your home if they're in the market.

Makes it easy for potential buyers to find your home: When buyers come for an open house, a sign makes it easy for them to find the home . The last thing you want is for buyers to arrive confused and flustered.

3 Cons of for sale signs

Less popular than online listings: These days online listings play a much more important role in the home sale process than for sale signs do. Investing time and energy in taking good photos for an online listing goes a lot farther than a for sale sign.

For sale signs can cause concerns: If a prospective buyer sees too many for sale signs in a neighborhood they may have concerns about why so many people are leaving the neighborhood.

These signs also add a cluttered look to the neighborhood. While one sign doesn't cause much harm, it's easy to see why some HOAs ban them.

Less privacy: If you have nosey neighbors or for whatever reason you want to keep your sale on the down low, a for sale sign may attract a lot of attention to you and your home.

Keith Bailey Realtor
Century 21 AllPoints Realty

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