Episode 179 Thyroid Cancer with Louise Davies MD

4 months ago

In episode 179 of the Thyroid Answers Podcast, I discuss thyroid cancer with Louise Davies, MD.

Topics covered in this episode include:
- The types of thyroid cancer.
- Is thyroid cancer on the rise?
- Thyroid nodules identified and the next steps.
- Why suppressing TSH with T4 medication is a strategy to prevent thyroid cancer from returning.
- Could inappropriate use of thyroid medication be harmful?
- Typical treatment strategies for thyroid cancer.
- And more...

Louise Davies is Professor of Surgery - Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, and of The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice. Her clinical practice focus is thyroid and parathyroid disease and cancers of the head and neck.

She is best known for her work defining the problem of overdiagnosis in thyroid cancer. In recent years, she has focused on mitigating the harm that can come from overdiagnosis, working to develop evidence that can inform patient and physician decision-making. Her research has also focused on population health issues, including making recommendations for thyroid monitoring after nuclear accidents and the recovery of the healthcare system after the pandemic.

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