Mike Adams J13 was a DS Inside Job: inside AGR 2nd floor? Patsy Kill Planned-Mayorkas/DHS SS' Boss

3 months ago

They let the shooter open fire for 16s, then killed Crooks if that's really who that was. Prather disagrees that they were sighted on the roof by CS pictures w Binos, I think MIke's wrong about that but I'm not sure if I included it. He's also mistaken about the weapon being away from the body showing evidence tampering but many made that mistake, and Prather corrected a lot of early ones like it. It's hard to get everything right in real time to be fair when the govt you pay to do this is churning out disinformation. Adams' other points about the crime scene destruction are good.
2 segments here unless Mike clipped the first from the second which was 2h long. You'll know when it changes because the background disappears.

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