Pink Floyd (Live In KQED Studios - Atom Heart Mother - Live In San Francisco - 1970)

4 months ago

Pink Floyd (Live In KQED Studios - Atom Heart Mother - Live In San Francisco - 1970)
#PinkFloyd #Live #KQEDStudios #AtomHeartMother #Live #SanFrancisco #1970 #AstronomyDomine #TheHeartOfTheSun #CarefulWithThatAxe #AtomHeartMother #Cymbaline #GrantchesterMeadows #GreenIsTheColour #NickMason #DavidGilmour #RogerWaters #RichardWright #SydBarrett

1. Atom Heart Mother
2. Cymbaline
3. Grantchester Meadows
4. Green Is The Colour
5. Careful With That Axe, Eugene
6. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
7. Astronomy Domine

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