Transgender boy/man to girl/women! hermaphrodites are REAL humans!

4 months ago

This video tells ALL about both Transgenders on EVERY stage. ALSO tells the 3 ways hermaphrodites are born. Kamala Harris THE WORST person to ever run for ANY government position, what a total LIAR! also EVERY TIME she talks its ALWAYS about Trump & NOTHING about how she could be president. there are 3 kinds of human NOT 4! #1. born a boy, #2. born a girl & #3. born a hermaphrodites. #4. A doctor can NOT Transgender a Human period! that is a TOTAL LIE for a doctor to make MILLIONS on you as a human! its a COMMY democrat thing! Kamala Harris WAST TAX payer money on OPEN boarders & paying for the illegals FELONY COMMY votes! Kamala Harris is a FELON 30 MILLION times! she should be in PRISON NOT running for a thing!

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