Naomi Wolf: Pfizer knew that there's a stroke report that we have and a liver damage report

4 months ago

"Pfizer knew that there's a stroke report that we have and a liver damage report. And in both those reports, half of the adverse events took place within 48 hours of receiving the injection. So, you know, correlation is not causation, but that's pretty damning. If it's all, like, right, if it's happening right next to an event over and over and over again.

The most frequent side effect is, interestingly, muscle pain, myalgia, and you just think about how many people you know who just don't feel good since they got the injection, but they're not being told this is a side effect.

The second most common side effect is joint pain. Think about all the arthritic type reactions people are having, young people getting knee replacements, hip replacements, people limping. They knew that it would cause this inflammatory response, of course, because the lipid nanoparticles go everywhere in the human body.

Dr. Robert Chandler, who's one of our key experts, a sports medicine physician who treated the angels and the Lakers, he said that it's like a shotgun blast to the body, it just goes everywhere in the body. And I mentioned the third most common side effect, but also industrial scale, blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, clotting disorders of all kinds, myocarditis, pericarditis, as I mentioned, heart damage of all kinds, neurological events, industrial scale.

Parkinson's, Bell's palsy, epilepsy type convulsions, and now we know why. I mean, one of the things that's important about the Pfizer Papers book is that it shows the mechanism, right? People have been mystified, and their doctors don't even know what's wrong with them.

We now know some of what this injection is doing, and one of the things it does is that lipid nanoparticles degrade the myelin sheath of nerves, and so they degrade their ability to conduct electrical impulses, which is how nerves work.

So that's one reason you're seeing all of this extraordinary neurological damage, people with tremors. I see that all the time. So that's off the charts. I mentioned liver damage, kidney damage, eye problems, skin problems. These are all represented at vast scale."

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