The Stories We Tell About Ourself - Day 23

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Day 23 - The Stories We Tell About Ourself

How do you define a long time ago?

What does normally or usually refer to when you talk about yourself?
Norma-ly. Usual-ly.
Normal LIE - Usual Lie

The word never is a lie to the soul

"Never would do that", "never have done that before", "never would do that again"

Many of the answers we speak within conversations are answered from the body

When we answer as the Soul, we know that everything is posible and our feelings is the truth

Bring awareness to your conversations and notice how you respond to standard questions.

Are you answering in Presence? Are you answering from your Soul?

We can quite easily dismiss our experience when we answer on auto pilot.

We also often answer questions differently to each person we speak to, more focussed on how it is received instead of how it is delivered

Using the last 22 days to base your answer from, How would you answer this question?

What have you been UP too?

What would that answer be from your Soul?

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