Conceit | "Meditation Q & A ̶W̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶W̶e̶n̶d̶y̶ ̶N̶a̶s̶h̶” #25

4 months ago

In this twenty-fifth installment of the ongoing live series with Wendy Nash inquiring into meditation practice on and off the cushion I explored conceit -- superiority conceit, inferiority conceit, equality/comparison conceit, how it is related to many ills internally and externally and what to do about it in formal mediation and in the world.

A misunderstanding about start time contributed to Wendy's absence for this Q & A. We've since clarified our protocol.

Since I plan to be on retreat in South Korea from at least mid-November to mid-December we don't plan to do a Q & A in November. Plans are uncertain about December as of now. We've scheduled the January Q & A time though

*There's naturally an ongoing open call for meditation (related) questions for the (roughly) monthly "Meditation Q & A" either by the various social media means listed; integratingpresence[at] or just showing to type/ask live.*


Regular, current and past visitors to Integrating Presence may recall the monthly series "Ask Us Anything" I did with Denny K Miu from August 2020 until January 2022 -- partially including and continuing on with Lydia Grace as co-host for awhile until March 2022.

For a few months thereafter I did various Insight Timer live events exploring potential new directions and/or a continuation of the Ask Us Anything format while weaving in other related teachings to these events.

Then, after chats with meditation coach Wendy Nash, it became clear to start a new collaboration similar to "Ask Us Anything" simply and clearly called "Meditation Q & A" especially due to the original intent of the Ask Us Anything's being "discussions about meditation and related topics."

Original blog post:

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