गर्मियों में गाजर खाने के फायदे

4 months ago

Improved skin health
Carrots are packed with antioxidants like carotenoids and vitamin C, that helps your body and skin keep away any outside dirt and combat free radical damage, which in turn promotes healthy skin. The Vitamin C amount present in carrots, also aids in collagen production, keeping your skin youthful and elastic.
​Improved vision
The vibrant red or orange colour present in the carrots is an obvious sign of their richness in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that your body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy vision and preventing night blindness which helps you be free from the bane of having to put on glasses to see 15cm away. So, including carrots in your diet is going to help you get rid of the blurry vision and prevent the glasses.
​The benefits of carrots
Carrots have been famous for a long time now. The favourite snack of the bugs bunny, the go-to puree for little babies and the dreaded snack for a teenager with specs. But, as the processed and ultra-processed foods took to the market, simple veggies like carrots have lost their charm and humans have lost the benefits associated with them. While carrots were earlier applauded for their taste, colour and the benefits, it is high time we bring them back into our stomach and our plates to make sure that we receive their abundance of nutrients and health benefits.
Here we list 10 reasons why you should eat carrots and if your vision is right, you will find 3 recipes hidden in the slides. (If you could not find them, consider carrots for eye health!)

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