Americans Will Be Killed. And For What? Protest the Wars Demand Peace !! Hit the Streets!

1 day ago

"Americans WILL BE KILLED in the middle east" They are sitting ducks Ron Paul warns.
Time for a Revolution to take back our rightful Government, for it has been invaded and taken over. We are being attacked by it and now to put American soldiers in danger of losing their lives for a man who plays the piano with his penis and is a psychopath puppet is off the charts outrageous evil.

America has 57,000 American forces in the middle east ready to be attacked and killed by this madness.

Parents do not let your children enlist in the military they will NOT be serving our country and only doing harm to further nuclear annihilation .

Only Peace can save the World now. Hit the streets in Support of Peace, not War, like Americans used to. No more money to be spent on wars and other countries, we need our money here in America , our homeless helped, our bridges and roads repaired, our children helped , and food, we need farmers to be left alone to farm. Stop the W.E.F Global climate B.S. and stop the directed energy weapons and weather warfare. It must stop now. Demand it. Our lands, homes, and families have been attacked and harmed and murdered.
We who are aware must unite and stop them. No one else is going to. There are no allies coming to rescue us.

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