Covid Vaccine Victim EXPOSES the System – Brianne Dressen & Jillian Michaels

2 hours ago

Brianne Dressen, was a participant in the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine trials - she joins the beautiful Jillian Michaels to give an update on everything that transpired.

She voted for Joe Biden, took the shot the next day and now 4 years later she is suing Joe Biden.

Brianne Dressen wanted to volunteer for this clinical trail because she wanted to be part of helping humanity. Her intentions were great.

Too bad it wasn’t both ways.

AstraZeneca’s vaccine is not an mRNA jab but is an Adenovirus as was Johnson & Johnson’s jab.

Adenovirus DNA vectors are carriers of genetic information for the SARS-COV-2 spike glycoprotein, whereas messenger RNA (mRNA) directly triggers the synthesis of the viral spike protein in receivers.

Before Brianne received her first shot, she went through the Contract with the Drug Company – AstraZeneca. It was over 30 pages long and had to initial each page.

They had all this language that no one could have understood and they used her initials on each page AGAINST her. They did not provide her funds for her own attorney so she could understand it.

She says “it was impossible to understand.”

The drug company agreed to pay for any and all of research related injuries. They agreed to provide medical assistance if there would be a problem.

So she gets her shot and has tingling down her arm. She went home and that night her vision became blurred and double vision. Then sound distortion began. For the next 2 ½ weeks things just kept getting worse and worse. She was a teacher but couldn’t teach anymore. She put towels over her windows at home because of Light Sensitivity. The sensitivity to sound became so severe that just running water was too much. She had tingling from head to toe and it moves around.

Some of her side effects are difficult to listen to.

After experiencing severe side effects, she was abandoned by the drug company and later diagnosed with 'Post Vaccine Neuropathy' through a study by the NIH. She was under Dr. Fauci’s study of people harmed by the covid jabs.

AstraZeneca defines these side effects as so benign.

Brianne’s situation was not normal as the onset of side effects came on so quickly that they absolutely HAD to be associated with the vaccine, most come on much slower and years or even decades later so there will never be an association.

That is how Big Pharma wants it to be, then they can treat the symptoms caused by these jabs years later with more of their drugs that alleviate symptoms but do nothing to address the root cause and nothing to help the body heal. Once those symptoms have been temporarily relieved, more will come later and they can add another life long drug to the “treatment” regime.

Brianne defines just how the spike protein works and how “spike toxicity” occurs.

Despite the findings, both the NIH and the FDA buried the study while continuing to roll out the vaccines.

AstraZeneca did end up taking their vaccines off the shelf, but not before 3 BILLION doses were injected around the world.

Expect MAJOR Health Issues within the next 10 years from these slow kills.

To make matters worse, Brianne and thousands of others were tracked and silenced by Bill Gates’ Virality Project, which reported directly to the White House.

This was established to monitor “vaccine hesitancy” and “quiet concerns':

This is Brianne Dressen's powerful testimony, uncover the shocking truth behind vaccine injury suppression, and learn how she is suing the Biden administration to repeal legislation like the PREP Act and the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.

These laws grant blanket immunity to vaccine manufacturers, leaving victims like Brianne without any legal recourse.

Any pharmaceutical company that has a drug under ANY declared Emergency – gets EXTRA Layers of Protection from legal recourse.

Looking back we can see this was all a plan and was all fraud and they used this emergency to “approve” untested, experimental vaccines and they condemned, restricted and revoked medical licenses for any doctor that did not follow the “Vaccine Protocol.”

They labeled Ivermectin as “Horse Dewormer” even though the military had been using it for decades and it has been approved in humans since 1980. That is over 40 years being used. You don’t hear any recalls in the past of for it causing damage and you can’t say that about most 40 year old drugs and even over the counter drugs.

Doctors were also punished for prescribing hydroxychloroquine.

*Note: it’s important to know that doctors have been treating these privately for viruses for a long time with great success, there just hasn’t been any clinical trials because the patents have expired and there is no money for Big Pharma. It’s never been about benefiting humanity, it has always been about benefiting big pharma.

Not only did the NIH, the FDA hide the post vaccine neurological disorders, they made it so they couldn’t tell anyone about it. They were told NOT to speak about this to the public. They were promised that the government would disclose this to the public.


Brianne is fighting back by raising awareness, demanding accountability, and pushing for legal changes through REACT19 to protect current and future vaccine injury victims.


1. Jillian Michaels --

2. AstraZeneca Admits Its COVID-19 Vaccine May Cause Blood Clotting Side Effect In Very Rare Case, But Causal Mechanism Unknown --


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END. 10/26/2024 – 6:00 PM

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