Chapter 12 - Let No-one Deceive You, Narrated by Gene Nanton - Dwelling In The Secret Place

3 months ago

Narrated by Gene Nanton from Serving With a Mission Radio

Dwelling in the Secret Place, by Sonica Veith.
This is an e-book available online at Sonica Veith is the spouse of well known evangelist Dr. Walter Veith and this true story is a chronicle of their life together, their ministry, their numerous trials, tribulations and hardships as well as their successes, victories and triumphs.
According to Mrs. Veith, this is the story of how God found them steeped in occultism and atheism and false religion , and set their feet on a new path. Throughout all their trials along the way God trained them for a higher calling and despite the numerous afflictions, He brought them joy and patience and healing from the scars of their past life. Through the windows of His endless love, they learned to see mankind in a different light, and they longed to bring to every soul the peace and salvation they had found.
Theirs is truly an amazing story recording most of their lives from their earliest years to current times covering their conversion to Christianity and then on to ministry of a different sort which reveals the love and protection of God versus the hatred and determined onslaughts of the devil. The story of the start, development and growth of their ministry is a fascinating one and very instructional for all who are serious about serving the Lord and surrendering their lives to Him.
The full range of emotions will be experienced as we traverse the pages of this book and learn both how wonderful, as well as how hypocritical, Christians can be and the lengths to which they will go to show their love and appreciation or hate and apostasy. We trust you will enjoy every moment of this dynamic true story of two simple, normal people caught up in the drama of the great controversy between Christ and Satan.

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