Kołakowski from Spiritualized Marxism to Disappointed Utopianism

4 months ago

TODAY IN PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY: Kołakowski from Spiritualized Marxism to Disappointed Utopianism

Wednesday 23 October 2024 is the 97th anniversary of the birth of Leszek Kołakowski (23 October 1927 – 17 July 2009), who was born in Radom, Poland, on this day in 1927.

Kołakowski was an internal critic of Marxism for much of his life, and there is a sense in which Kołakowski never gave up his youthful Marxism, and Marxist themes persist in his thought throughout his work, though they weaken over time. Kołakowski’s thought seems to culminate in a disappointed utopianism in which historical knowledge possesses no utility but ultimately furnishes us with a sense of identity.

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