A call to Bishop Strickland to repent

4 months ago

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Dear Bishop Joseph,
in many of your speeches you speak as an orthodox Catholic bishop, pointing to the healthy roots of Catholic teaching. Among your recent articles is a response to the address by pseudo pope Bergoglio to young people in Singapore. You clearly point out his heretical stance and refer to papal documents from the past. Your arguments are fully in line with Catholic teaching.
Bergoglio’s speech in Singapore is a proclamation of the heresies of Vatican II, contained in Nostra Aetate, on so-called respect for other religions. Already Paul VI in his travels made syncretistic gestures in the spirit of Vatican II. John Paul II also continued to promote the heresy of syncretism, especially at the meeting in Assisi in 1986. Here, together with the leaders of the pagan cults, he prayed to the so-called One Father. But the pagans do not worship or pray to the one Creator God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. They pray to demons and offer sacrifices to them. The Apostle emphasizes: “What pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be participants with demons.” (1Cor 10:20)
John Paul II repeated his apostate gesture in Assisi in 2002. Unfortunately, Pope Benedict XVI also participated in syncretistic meetings in Assisi, for example in 2011. Francis Bergoglio, by promoting syncretism, is only consistently implementing the documents and spirit of the Second Vatican Council.
It follows that the Second Vatican Council was heretical, and not only because of the document Nostra Aetate. This fact was boldly declared by a certain prelate not long ago, and he also pointed out that Bergoglio is an invalid pope. To acknowledge these two realities is the sine qua non of the renewal of the Catholic Church.
Moreover, it should be remembered that on November 1, 2023, in the motu proprio Ad Theologiam Promovendam, Bergoglio established the principle of paradigm shift. He thus opened the way for the destruction of all the dogmas with which the Catholic Church stands and falls. With the promulgation of the new anti-gospel Fiducia Supplicans, Bergoglio introduced the blessing of sodomy and denied sin as such. In doing so, he abrogates the Decalogue, but also the Creed, because its fundamental truth is that Christ died for our sins. Bergoglio thus also abrogates the fundamental condition of salvation, which is repentance. Without repentance no one will be saved.
Whoever today knowingly recognizes the manifest heretic Bergoglio as a proper pope excludes himself from the Church by latae sententiae excommunication. Such a one has already accepted Bergoglio’s sodomite anti-gospel, for which the Scriptures threaten the punishment of temporal and eternal fire (2Pe 2:6, Jud 7). Whoever recognizes the pseudo pope Bergoglio as a proper pope is forced to deny Catholic teaching and to rise up in rebellion against God through involvement in the synodal path. This path is the path to eternal damnation.
Bergoglio’s synodal path is a cynical mockery of Christ’s suffering and death and a mockery of all martyrs, especially those of the first centuries. They preferred to undergo cruel torture and death rather than pay the slightest homage to pagan deities. In 2019, Bergoglio publicly enthroned the Pachamama demon in the Vatican Gardens and St. Peter’s Basilica. In 2022, he publicly dedicated himself to Satan in Canada with the assistance of a sorcerer. To claim that a man publicly dedicated to Satan is the Vicar of Jesus Christ is downright insane!
Dear Bishop Joseph, You continue to recognize this usurper of the papacy as the rightful pope despite his public apostasy. By doing so, you keep ordinary Catholics on the path of submission to Bergoglio’s apostasy, which ends in damnation. You act hypocritically, like Bishop Schneider. Your actions are akin to showing people a bottle of strong poison. You publicly, in front of their eyes, call this poison by its real name, and it would logically follow that you would urge everyone to radically distance themselves from this poison and save their lives. But you, on the other hand, tell them to drink from the bottle! And while drinking, they should remember that it is a violent poison. The consequence is poisoning and, in the spiritual realm, eternal death.
Bergoglio preaches a poisonous doctrine that leads to eternal damnation. You condemn this doctrine, and thereby gain the sympathy of the true believers. But in retrospect, you are urging them to submit to a manifest heretic and to obey this usurper of the papacy. This is a crime, because many regard you as a true Catholic bishop and do not suppose that you are leading them down the road to perdition.
Dear Bishop Joseph, stop and realize your crime before God and before the Church, and do true penance. You should not only call heresy heresy, but for your own salvation and that of others, you should draw the necessary conclusion from the facts: Bergoglio is not a valid pope and therefore no Catholic can obey or submit to him. Also, do say a clear “no” to the heretical Vatican II, whose poisonous agenda Bergoglio is implementing.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

October 19, 2024

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