Dr. Peter McCullough: COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters After 2022 are Computer Designed

1 month ago

10/22/2024 Dr. Peter McCullough: The COVID-19 vaccine boosters that have been introduced from 2022 have all been manufactured by computer drawing of the genetic coding of proteins and approved through the Emergency Use Authorisation mechanism, with insufficient data from human trials. They are already abusing this new rapid pathway for drug approval and are totally unconcerned about safety.
#COVID19Vaccine #EmergencyUseAuthorization #GeneticEngineering #Booster
10/22/2024 彼得·麦卡洛博士:从2022年开始推出的新冠疫苗加强针都是通过电脑绘制蛋白质基因编码制造并通过紧急使用授权机制获批的,其中人体试验数据不足。他们已经在滥用这种新的快速药物审批途径,而且完全不关心安全问题。
#新冠疫苗 #紧急使用授权 #基因工程 #加强针

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