Scientific Bombshell Shatters the Climate Change Narrative

4 months ago

Scientific Bombshell Shatters the Climate Change Narrative

A groundbreaking new study has found that CO2 "may have little to no further warming effect" on the Earth's atmosphere.

The striking finding that made the authors come to this conclusion is the fact that the Earth's atmosphere already contains over 6 kg/m² of CO2, which is ten times the "saturation mass" needed for the gas to absorb radiation.

This means that additional CO2 emissions might not significantly increase global temperatures, as the atmosphere has already absorbed nearly all the heat it can within the CO2 spectrum.

The study, titled “Climatic consequences of the process of saturation of radiation absorption in gases,” was published in Applications in Engineering Science.

These findings support the argument made by independent researchers like Randall Carlson, who actually claims that CO2 comes with many benefits, such as boosting plant growth and crop yields.

He says, “Hundreds of studies have consistently demonstrated significant improvements in plant growth, crop yields, and drought resistance under elevated CO2 conditions.”

This latest study aligns with what Carlson has been saying all along and is absolutely devastating for the climate change narrative.

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