The Bohemian Club 1969 Little Red Book - By-Laws & Officers

2 days ago

This rare text outlines the inner workings, customs, and governance of the Bohemian Club as of 1969. Known for its elite membership and secretive meetings, the book provides key insights into the club’s structure, including its by-laws, officer positions, and governing committees, and history.

The book extensively covers the by-laws, detailing the rules that govern member conduct and the procedures for disciplining members. There is an emphasis on maintaining harmony and protecting the club’s reputation, with consequences like reprimands, fines, suspensions, or expulsions for those who violate its standards. The by-laws outline not only behavioral expectations but also the protocols for appeals, with members given the chance to contest disciplinary actions.

Membership and Fees
Members of the Bohemian Club, their privileges, and guest policies are also discussed. Membership rules include clear regulations on introducing visitors, limits on issuing visitor cards, and the scope of privileges afforded to members. Fees, dues, and financial obligations required for both regular members and visitors are explained, including special fees for events such as the famous "Midsummer Encampment."

The text details the committees responsible for the club’s operations, including their respective duties. For example, committees regulate membership invitations, maintain the club’s properties, and oversee key events like the “Grove Stage,” where club performances and ceremonies occur. Notably, there’s mention of the Stage Committee and Jinks Committee, which handle entertainment aspects like the renowned Cremation of Care ritual.

Officers and Former Leadership
The book includes a section listing the club's officers from various years. This section provides a record of the leadership and administrative roles held by notable figures, including the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Directors. The list of former officers helps establish the club's long history of prominent membership.

The "List of 50"
This section, referred to as the Honorary Life List or List of 50, recognizes members who made significant contributions or held positions of great importance within the club. It provides a ceremonial acknowledgment of these members.

Special Events and Grove Activities
The text offers insights into the Midsummer Encampment, one of the club's most significant gatherings. Rules around who can attend, guest invitations, and the importance of maintaining privacy during these events are stressed, with additional notes on rituals like the Cremation of Care, where an effigy is symbolically burned to cast away worries.

House and Grove Rules
House rules outline daily club operations, including meal arrangements, restrictions on photography, and quiet hours. These ensure the privacy and exclusivity of the Bohemian Club are maintained. The Grove Rules cover activities specific to the Bohemian Grove property, including guidelines for camp structures, private parties, and the prohibition of women and minors in certain areas.

The 1969 Little Red Book is an administrative guide, offering both logistical details and a glimpse into the rituals, traditions, and structure of the Bohemian Club. While its contents are dense with regulations, it also emphasizes the club's commitment to exclusivity, tradition, and the protection of its elite members' privacy.

1973's Little Red Book:
The Bohemian Club 1973 Little Red Book - History, Former Officers, In Memorium, Rules:

Annals of Bohemian Club Vol. IX - Music & Musicians in Bohemia The First One Hundred Years [A Symphonic Summary], by Richard P. Buck:

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