Medvedev on ideology, Iranian Espionage, UNIFIL, Disinformation - video 63

3 months ago

On Medvedev's speech at the 16th BRICS summit, Iranian Espionage, UNIFIL, what the war reveals, Iran, UN, how disinformation works, what is imperialism and so forth (at the end of this description you find a good summary on the history of Samaria, Judea that sets the Middle East conflict right)
The fact that Medvedev glorifies the USSR, and even more that he chooses a quote by Fyodor Tyutchev, a militant Pan-Slavist, tells you everything you need to know. Here the link that you can read it yourself
For me, as a European well educated in European history (Russia is part of it) it is also completely new that Russia harboured anti-European sentiments in the 19th century (the European monarchies were not anti-Russian or considered to destroy the Russian Empire). From this point of view I need to consider the possibility that Left Wing ideologies - that lead to the WW I and the destruction of the Austrian Empire and in consequence to National Socialism and much more - was already a means of war against Europe (installation of ideology). I will think about it during the 2 days of holidays and Shabbat. But that explains now why the Russian Empire was not in league with the Austrian Empire which would have prevented WW I but with Turkey (which they fought against in the 19th century - make that make sense)- in consequence it destroyed the rule of the Romanovs as Russia was engaged in WW I on Turkey's & Serbia's side. The Austrian emperoress Maria Theresia (19th century)and her son Joseph II even seeked good relations to Russia. You see here, that stupid ideologies can destroy your own monarchy. It is repeated!
Update: what Lavrov said on the US (!!!)
The blogger from Dubai is Hassan Sajwani.
Why do I ask if the Russians (or the family from Azerbaijan) involved in the Spy Ring in Israel are Israeli citizens or not? Because Israel has a stupid immigration policy that let Non-Jews immigrate when they are of Jewish descendants (which is a huge amount of people!). There are even agencies in Russia that have the slogan "Get your Israeli citizenship within 5 days". I've critized that for decades not only because of the demographic problems that have arisen in Israel because of this non-Jewish mass immigration but also because it is a problem of loyalty to the Jewish people, hence the State of Israel (this is one thing).
About Medvedev's Total War - I remind you that Putin said the same a few months ago about the only " solution " of the ME conflict (a conflict they have supported and fueled for decades). Obviously, the Russian idea of peace in the Middle East is: genocide not only if half of the Jewish world population but also Christians, Kurds, Yezidim, Mandaeans etc and the further suppression of women, children and free speech. Sure, that balances the world!!
Call me old-fashioned but I still think bringing about the Abraham Accords or North-&South Korea to talk with each is better than promoting Jihad, terror and hatred.

Gold and money - terrorism is s good business

About who Ariana Tabatabai is
More about her links to the terror organisation IRGC

Also interesting

A history of the WestBank and Gaza - this is just a good summary by @CptAllenHistory. You can read tons of books on the history of Israel yourself. By the way the Jordanian king of this time, Abdullah I, was assassinated in Jerusalem by the people he placed there himself. Egypt and Jordan refuse to take these people back - why? Hmm.. Islam? Pan-Arabic ideology? I think so. :
Is it “Judea & Samaria” or the “West Bank?”

And were Jews living there before the 1948 War? If so, what happened to them?

The land called Judea & Samaria for the last 3 millennia contained many Jewish towns & villages before 1948 – some of which existed for millennia, others were built during the British Mandate.

But when the Jordanians conquered Judea & Samaria (over which they had no sovereign claim) in 1948, they either drove out, or in some cases (such as at Kfar Etzion) brutally massacred entire Jewish communities.

Some of those Jewish communities of Judea & Samaria the Jordanians ethnically cleansed in 1948 include: the ancient Jewish community in Shechem (Nablus), Beit Ha’arava, Kalya, the four kibbutzim of the Etzion Bloc, Ein Senya, the ancient Jewish Quarter in Hebron, Atarot, Neve Ya’akov, the ancient Jewish Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem, and Tel Or.

Bottom line: after Jordan’s brutal war on the nascent State of Israel, for the first time in more than 3,000 years, there was not a single Jew left in Judea, Samaria, or the Old City of Jerusalem (note: similarly, the Egyptians ethnically cleansed the Gaza Strip of its Jews by killing or driving them out of Jewish towns such as Kfar Darom).

After the war & during Jordan’s illegal occupation of what the Jordanians (for the first time in world history) called the “West Bank,” Jordan refused to honor the portion of the armistice agreement signed with Israel that required them to provide free access for Jews to Holy Places, cultural institutions, and use of the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives.

In fact, during Jordan’s 19-year occupation, Jews were barred entirely from the Old City of Jerusalem & were denied access to the Kotel (Western Wall - which the Jordanians permitted to became a slum) and to the Temple Mount itself, the holiest place in Judaism.

Not only did the Jordanians ethnically cleanse the entire ancient Jewish community from the very cradle of Jewish civilization in Judea, Samaria, and the Old City of Jerusalem, but the Jordanians also callously destroyed all Jewish synagogues as well.

In addition to destroying the entire Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem (photo below shows how the Jewish Quarter was left in ruins), the Jordanians razed to the ground every one of its 58 synagogues.

Then, to add insult to injury, the Jordanians went to the ancient Jewish Cemetery on the Mount of Olives (where Jews had buried their dead for more than 2,500 years), and ransacked it, desecrated the graves, and smashed thousands of Jewish tombstones to use as building material and even to use as latrines.

The Jordanians also built a hotel directly on top of a Jewish cemetery & demolished Jewish graves to make way for a highway to that hotel.

Meanwhile, during their 19-year illegal occupation, Jordan also refused access to Christians to their holy sites in Jerusalem.

Additionally, Jordanian snipers remained perched on the walls of the Old City and would frequently shoot at Israelis across the armistice lines.

Jordan did not merely illegally occupy the “West Bank” as an aggressor state, however.

Jordan went a step further and illegally annexed the West Bank in April of 1950.

Via a Resolution adopted on April 24, 1950, Jordan declared, “Parliament, which represents both sides of the Jordan, resolves this day and declares: First, its support for complete unity between the two sides of the Jordan and their union into one State, which is the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan at whose head reigns King Abdullah Ibn al Husain.”

Notice nothing was said in this Resolution about any “Palestinian Arab” people or any “Palestinian Arab” state.

In fact, at no time during Jordan’s 19-year rule over the “West Bank” did any Arab nation make any effort to set up a “Palestinian Arab State.”

Neither did the Egyptians make any attempt to set up a Palestinian Arab State in the Gaza Strip during its own 19-year military occupation in that land.

Meanwhile, Jordan’s annexation was never recognized by the international community.

And, importantly, Jordan ultimately gave up the right to claim any legal rights or title to any land in the "West Bank" or Jerusalem when it signed the Peace Treaty with Israel in 1994.

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