'He Lives In America And He Can Do That': Bill Maher BODIES The Left For Being Free Speech Censors

7 hours ago

Posted • October 22, 2024: Bill Maher has had some thoughtful commentary on politics as of late. As the Left gets more Left and woke and insane, Maher is usually (not always, but usually) a voice of reason. Watch as he discusses free speech with Mark Cuban and Joe Scarborough: Bill Maher @billmaher: “The right thinks that the left is in a very different place with free speech, and they're not wrong.” -- The California Coastal Commission recently denied Elon Musk permission to hold more SpaceX launches in the state. The grounds? Musk 'aggressively injected himself' into the presidential race. It's a violation of Musk's First Amendment rights and would not have happened if he was stumping for Kamala. What's also interesting here is that Joe Scarborough has taken a page from the David French book on the First Amendment: you still have your rights even if it takes years of litigation and lawsuits (things most Americans can't afford). That's not how it's supposed to work.

Joe: "they're going to have to find another reason to deny it" Or, maybe they could try ALLOWING the additional launches, and not punish an American for speaking freely. Joe and Cuban both understand that bureaucrats are LITERALLY costing Musk money because he dares have a difference of opinion and share that opinion openly. It's not free speech when you suddenly get court cases and appeals, and then more appeals, thrown in your path because you said something unpopular. The government has unlimited resources - eventually, even the rich will just shut up, too poor to fight for their "freedom". Joe really gave away the game there, didn't he? If there was ever an issue that would make me a "single-issue voter," it's freedom of speech. The First Amendment exists to protect unpopular speech.

Because the Left isn't about liberalism anymore. That was decades ago. No, the Left in this country is about Statism. The State, as long as the correct party is in power, can never be wrong & is justified in whatever force it chooses to use to ensure compliance w/ its policies. We have had the Biden-Harris Administration actively attacking free speech, and the Harris-Walz campaign has made it clear they will continue the assault. Democrat leaders have lost their way. They lost their way a long, long time ago. Scarbrough is defending California's decision because *checks notes* The Courts will overturn it. That still doesn't make the original decision okay, nor does it in any way refute what Bill is saying. That's a big risk, too. There's no guarantee the courts will rule in your favor. -- I wonder why people think that? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gab4G7sX0AAdGtC?format=jpg&name=medium -- Total mystery. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - 'He Lives in America and He Can Do That': Bill Maher BODIES the Left for Being Free Speech Censors

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