S03 E08 - No White Light, but no Shadow Persons.

4 months ago

I waited in my bedroom to eventually see the White Light. About 20 minutes went by, my eyes had adjusted, but there was no White Light. It had been there for about a month or longer, due to the activity of the Shadow Persons. I was surprised to say the least. Then I decided to see if the Dark Cloud was still above me. That was gone as well. Of course, that is a relief, but I feel bad that I didn't take a pic of the White Light.

However, around 3:15am, there was a Spirit in my bedroom walking somewhat towards me. I believe he recently passed, as he seemed to be lost as to where he was. He had a light weight jacket on, with a ball cap. He was there only maybe 10 to 20 seconds, then disappeared. I have a feeling that a Portal will open again in my bedroom. But only time will tell if it happens

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