Review & Summary: Christian Nations

4 months ago

Comparing the early Twentieth Century "dictatorship of the Proletariat" to today's religion of "our Democracy!"
It is a cult, and it is a religionm and it's adherents, then and now, are Satan's own synagogue.
These non-democratic movements (both of them) are forced upon the people because those in power (the devil's children) don't believe we have proper class consciousness;  therefore, their "dictatorship of the (either democracy or proletariat) is used to force you to adopt what (they believe) is in your best interests.

The Church will either submit (which it has so far) to Satan's children, or it will, like John the Baptist, Jeremiah, Stephen, Jesus, and Paul utterly refute the lies of the Jews and determine to build explicitly Christian nation-states.  This is not an "election cycle" decision -- it was take 30-40 years and be very difficult. Choose your side now.

Fritz Berggren, PhD

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