U.S. To Send BILLIONS More To Ukraine: Americans Brace For DOLLAR COLLAPSE As Elites Push WAR

4 months ago

🔻🔻 Concerned for Truth Rogerkuo53🔻🔻
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The decline of the U.S. dollar marks the end of a financial era.
David Pyne is here to talk about the collapse of the U.S. dollar.
Biden’s foolish sanctions against Russia have totally backfired.
The BRICS countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa are creating their own financial system.
All the while Biden continues to disarm the United States military by giving our weapons away to Ukraine.
Why doesn’t House Speaker Kevin McCarthy stop funding the pointless war in Ukraine?
Neocon Republicans continue to support “forever wars” just like they did in Iraq and Afghanistan.
If President Trump were in office this war would have never happened.
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This Is The Real Great Awakening! More and more people are snapping out of the spell, waking up and beginning to see It All! All I really want is to help the ones waking up with me and after me to have a fighting chance to Break The Illusion, See The Lies, The Complete Deception Of This World! Never Go Against Your Gut Instinct, Its There For A Reason!💯 And Remember NO FEAR!!! Just Be Aware & Prepared!!!
Compassion, Empathy & Love Are Gonna Come Back With a Vengeance! 💪
See Ya'll Out There Somewhere, I Hope! 🙏
Keep Going, Keep Movin, Keep On Keepin On, Much Love!!! ❤

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