The Emperor and the Mosquito Energy Vlog

4 months ago

The Emperor and the Mosquito Energy Vlog ti9tle is from the date October 22, 2024 thus 40 which gives us four the Emperor card a divine male which is a beign ruller who does the best at building a sound empire. The Mosquito is the spiript animal oracle card that r warn us of energy vampires like the archons who sucik our loosh when we are in fear and loathing. time to raise your vibration again.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed us four ampolitudes the firest two from late yesterday with a power of 24 at 9:00 PM UTC thus the Hermit imparts his inner wisdom to the lover that they may have a balanced relationship. The second power of 25 at 9:45 PM UTC thus The Moon in Cancer foreshadows the sun entering scorpio Swiftly moving the Chariot toward the aga of aquarius. The first amplitude for today a power of 28 At 1:00 AM UTC thus the magician glamors the karmic change of the wheel of fortune big change. The Frequency Average is 7.55 Hertz thus the Star bringign us hope and a clarity of vision.
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