1 day ago

Nothing like it has ever happened before. And it has never happened again. The French UFO wave of 1954 remains unique and unprecedented. Starting in early September of 1954, many hundreds, if not thousands of UFO encounters swept across the country of France with incredible fury. For the next two months, encounters occurred daily, often multiple accounts each day. These were not just simple sightings, but landings and face-to-face encounters with humanoids of many different kinds. Witnesses included people from all walks of life: farmers, teachers, housewives, business-owners, government officials, children, even entire families. As the activity mounted, so did the fear. People became afraid to go outside at night. Others armed themselves for protection, sometimes attacking neighbors or passersby thinking they were “Martians!” Skeptics and debunkers were overwhelmed, unable to explain away the experiences. The press went wild, unable to keep up with the huge onslaught of cases. Day after day, people reported UFOs flying overhead, landing next to their homes, in the fields of their farms, blocking cars on roads. The sightings are incredible enough. But most interesting and puzzling are the cases involving humanoids.
This video presents a day-by-day accounting of more than fifty humanoid encounters in the months of September and October 1954 alone. Extraterrestrials coming out of their craft, collecting plants and animals, approaching terrified citizens, and in some cases communicating and interacting with them in various ways. The cases provide nearly the entire range of physical evidence with many producing impressive landing traces, animal reactions, weird physiological effects, electromagnetic disturbances and more.
The question is, why? Why did this super-wave of such unparalleled ferocity strike France? Why France? Why September and October of 1954? Why so many landings and humanoids? Were they looking for something? Was this an intentional display designed to convince the citizens of the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials?
An examination and analysis of these cases reveals some remarkable insights. One thing is very clear: something very profound happened during these sixty days, something that would forever change the way the entire world viewed the UFO phenomenon. The wave would inspire researchers like Aime Michel and Jacques Vallee and many others to research UFOs and produce books and articles about the amazing wave of activity. There may have been some very profound and important reasons for what has come to be recognized as one of the most intense UFO waves in all of human history.

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