What Can You Buy in North Korea's Physical App Store?

4 months ago

What Can You Buy in North Korea's Physical App Store?

So to recap the viral videos, these stores are the only way to add apps to your North Korean smartphone. But it takes about an hour of you and the staff's time to add the app. So they charge a $5-10 installation fee, on top of the price of the app.

Now let's go through the best apps you can order.

Starting with games. These are usually just translations of popular games overseas. But they might also replace the background music with local military music.

Then we have education apps. These are mostly locally made, but are the second most popular category after games. English and Chinese language learning apps rank highest here some reason.

Now for the most interesting category, medical apps. On top of basic tracking, these apps can test for health conditions like color blindness or low IQ. So…

https://www.nknews.org/2019/02/what-to-buy-inside-a-north-korean-app-store/ https://qz.com/1176663/in-north-korea-the-app-store-is-an-actual-store

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