Why Everyone Loves This Ultra Rare Plane

5 months ago

This is a viral video of one of the rarest planes you can see at the airport. But why does this plane even exist?

So these engineering marvels are the Beluga XLs. Only 6 exist in the entire world. So in rare sightings, a lot of people's first thought is that it's kinda annoying that physics lets this thing fly. Cuz it's extremely oversized, has almost no windows, and only a few pilots are allowed to fly them. But this plane can do one thing no other plane can do.

You see this plane, basically gives birth to other planes. It holds plane wings, bodies, tails, and even complete helicopters or satellites. In the past those parts could take weeks to arrive, and now it takes just a few hours. So..

Sources: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-i_zTTAM6I/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airbus_BelugaXL#:~:text=Design,-The Airbus A330&text=With 30%25 more capacity than,%3B 6.6 short tons)%20heavier. https://www.airbus.com/en/newsroom/stories/2024-06-wheels-up-for-the-final-belugaxl#:~:text=After serving as the programme's,The fleet is complete. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airbus_BelugaXL

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