How Past Experiences Sabotage Your Relationships

4 months ago

Are you choosing how you show up in your relationships, or are your emotions and fears taking control? 💡 Erin and Joshua explore the concept of preexisting raw spots hypersensitivities from past experiences that we unknowingly bring into new relationships. These raw spots, often formed by previous relationships or upbringing, can sabotage the love and connection we’re meant to experience with our partner. ❤️

In this episode, Erin shares a powerful personal story about how his partner’s past relationship created a raw spot around something as simple as putting her feet on the dashboard. Recognizing and healing these raw spots is essential to building stronger, healthier relationships. 💪 The discussion also touches on how parenting styles can create raw spots for children, which can influence their relationships later in life.

Are you aware of the raw spots from your past that may be affecting your current relationship? 💭

👇 Your Next Steps:
🎙️ Listen to the Full Episode on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcast: The High Value Man Conversation Podcast
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