The Shocking Truth About Cholesterol | The Kevin Trudeau Show | Ep. 59

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Kevin Trudeau reveals the Cholesterol SCAM “they” don’t want you to know about. He shares his research and experience on the Three Causes of Scarred Arteries and the natural cures and solutions to preventing blocked arteries.
Kevin also shares how you can make $25K per month from home and much more!
This is being called the favorite show to date!

0:00 Show Start
0:50 Natural Health expert Kevin Trudeau, reveals things they don’t want you to know about
1:47 Cholesterol SCAM: The myth most people believe
7:47 Do cholesterol drugs reduce the risk of heart disease
10:57 Cholesterol Questions and Facts
18:47 Three main causes of scarred arteries
28:27 Second thing that scars the arteries
36:18 Third thing that’s blocking your arteries
43:24 The most important thing about cholesterol
47:57 Natural Cures to clogged arteries
52:25 Are you blood pressure results accurate?
53:53 Side hustle generates over $236K in 2024
57:07 GuruKev lesson: Affirmations of Truth

The Official Kevin Trudeau Show is where Kevin Trudeau exposes things that "They" don't want you to know about! Kevin continues to expose government and mainstream media censorship and the suppression of Free Speech. He is a fearless whistleblower! He will continue to help bring an end to racism, social injustice, prejudice, hate, misinformation campaigns, censorship, and “Fake News”. Kevin's main focus is helping people attain their goals and dreams and, most importantly, achieve inner peace, joy, and bliss by sharing love and compassion to all humanity. He empowers the powerless. He is a voice for the voiceless. And a “Champion” of the “Little Guy”. Kevin helps people become more self-reliant and self-sufficient. He helps to release untapped potential in ways never before taught to the masses. He has now dedicated his life to helping people all around the world improve their standard of living and quality of life in all areas. Kevin Trudeau is dedicated to serving humanity.

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