No Supernatural Works No Salvation

3 months ago

Ok so I got to work on my timing with God. I say well Lord what shall I talk about next then read a book and/or the bible and I have another eight messages added to the Q. To be honest it is not easy walking with a God who knows everything. And I am always honest.
No but like I was going to finish my 2nd Election message which initially was one, then morphed into two. And but then as I could no longer sleep and got up I started to read a William Branham booklet which is titled The Spoken Word by William Branham. The message within it is titled “The Seed Is Not Heir With The Shuck” now he preached or taught this message at Parkview Junior High School in Jefferson Indiana on February 18, 1965.
If many are saying things against another person who has the evidence that God was being manifest in his life, then I always question the many. Look Jesus stated that there are many who are trying to get into the kingdom of God and will be unable. You would think that with so many Christians setting their teeth against others, proven to have God manifesting Himself in their ministry, that back-biting was a requirement to get into heaven. I mean can you imagine the conversation some of the heads of these large denominations and non-denominations, including the Popes and organizational structurites of the Catholic Church will have with Jesus once they stand before Him? I mean the arguments for why the church went in the ways she goes today will not move Jesus off of His word. You see now you know this is going to be a great message but so will the 2nd Elections message once I post this one.

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