Warrior Podcast #44 Bill Provenzano- A Trader's Success Story- Faith, Humility, & Lord of Discipline

4 months ago

Bill Provenzano came from humble beginnings. Like everyone who first laid eyes on the trading floor, you are either completely overwhelmed or very intrigued. Bill was fascinated and knew the floor was for him.

Bill will take us through his formative years all the way up to a super trader. Some of our trader stories finish with unhappy endings. Not Bill. He is a successful business man and published author of the book "Trading with Faith- 12 Biblically Inspired Principles for Trading Success" Bill was able reinvent himself into the man he is today.

Please join us for his journey.

#strongmind #stronglife #warriormindset #perspective #gratitude #warrior #riseandgrind #firingandwiring #nocomfortzone #nolimits #ageandwisdom #nosurrender #mementomori #smileatthereaper #Fight #neverquit #Courage #nofear #brave #thereisnotomorrow #neverquit #clairty #wisdom #strength #honor #integrity #FREEDOM #honesty #loyalty #truth #payattention #humor #forgiveness #cometogether #honor #code #trauma #indianafarmboy #tomheitz #billprovenzano #tradingfloor #trader #cme

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