Why Alex O'Connor Doesn't Trust the Bible

4 months ago

This week we respond to Alex O'Connor's YouTube video titled: "Why I Don't Trust the Bible." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LxkmFu-Vmo&t=6s from his skeptical channel https://www.youtube.com/@CosmicSkeptic, alleging why he doesn't trust the bible. We do so in hopes of getting down to the root cause, and helping.

In doing so we will give an answer to whether or not the Bible is “literally, historically, allegorically, morally, theologically, and/or metaphorically true”, (or just simply true).

We'll answer biblical abjections and challenges point by point including: Is Genesis allegory? is the knowledge of good and evil, as obtained in The Garden a bad thing? who was telling the truth in The Garden? was the conquest of Canaan, and the mass killing of men, women and children a moral wrong committed by God and His prophets? why are there two genealogies for Jesus Christ in the Gospels? did Joseph take Jesus and flee into Egypt, or did he take Jesus to the temple for His dedication? why is the prophecy of Jesus being called a Nazarene not written in the Old Testament? Why did Jesus overturn the tables in the Temple early in the book of John, but later in the other Gospels? was Jesus crucified on the Passover or not? why is there a disagreement regarding taking a staff or not between Matthew, Luke and Mark? why does John appear to disagree with Matthew and Mark regarding Mary Magdalene after the resurrection? and do the final verses of Mark, (16-20) in "our earliest and best manuscripts" or not?

And finally: what's the real reason Alex O'Connor doesn't trust the Bible?

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