Leftists losing their constituencies

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4 days ago

Leftists losing their constituencies
By Terry A. Hurlbut
If anyone wants to know why Kamala Harris’ campaign is dying, look no further than the left’s traditional constituencies. In increasing – and now tipping-point significant – numbers, they are re-evaluating the good wishes, and competency, of their well-heeled, smarmy patrons. Now they are dis-enrolling from those patrons, and have found a new patron: Donald J. Trump. So now their former patrons are getting desperate – and out of that desperation comes an ever more insultingly patronizing attitude. And apart from the fifteen days they have left, the tactics the leftists are now employing, are guaranteed to fail.
Erosion among traditional constituencies
The traditional constituencies of the American political left include ethnic minorities, Alphabet Soup adherents, and unmarried women. (No, those unmarried women don’t all keep cats as pets – though strangely they haven’t protested that in Springfield, “temporarily protected” Haitians eat cats for dinner.) Of those, the ethnic minorities are the most numerous, and have provided the bulk of the left’s political base. But they are providing that no more. The left counted on the loyalties of not merely a bare majority of minority members but nearly all of them.
Conservative Deroy Murdock sounded that alarm yesterday, according to Virginia Kruta of The Daily Wire.
It’s a big problem. Black voters constitute such a big part of the Democratic base. You take that out, the whole thing sort of falls over. And this is the result of a very simple question that President Trump has asked black voters since 2016: “What the hell do you have to lose?” They’ve responded to that question thinking, well, we keep voting Democrat and things don’t seem to get better.
Deroy Murdock
Murdock observes that Trump commanded 8% of the black vote in 2016, then won 12% in 2020. Now he bids fair to win 24%.
If that sticks at Election Day, the Democrats are going to be in very big trouble.
Deroy Murdock
CNN’s Harry Enten, in this segment, shared the ever-declining margins among Black voters alone for Democratic Presidential candidates.
For Hispanics, leftists have a worse problem. The proportion of them now supporting Trump are even higher. What makes it worse is that Hispanics outnumber blacks – significantly.
Ms. Kruta noted, almost three weeks ago, that Barack Obama didn’t help matters by insulting black men.
This is the political party that thinks gender is just a state of mind. And now all of a sudden they’re like, “Oh, my God, we’re having trouble with moderate biological males.” I mean, who is surprised about this?
Scott Jennings
Neither is Kamala Harris herself. When The Rev. Al Sharpton asked her whether she considered men who wouldn’t vote for her “misogynist,” she agreed.
Looking for “love” among RINOs
Samantha-Jo Roth at The Washington Examiner suggested this could be why Harris is campaigning with the likes of Liz Cheney. Recall that one pundit suggested that Harris granted an interview to Bret Baier, thinking to win over Nikki Haley’s voters. (Of course that interview turned out disastrously.) Harris pulled both these stunts for the same reason: she’s losing Democratic constituencies, and she knows it.
Vice President Kamala Harris teamed up with former Rep. Liz Cheney on Monday in an aggressive bid to win over centrist Republicans who are on the fence about voting for former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
The Harris campaign held moderated conversations in an effort to court centrists in the suburbs in battlegrounds that delivered Trump victory in 2016 but swung back for President Joe Biden in 2020.
Samantha-Jo Roth
Those “conversations” were so “moderated” that they included “pre-determined” questions. And questions about election integrity in 2020 remain in all three States the Examiner named. But Cheney seemed conscious of the divide between married and unmarried women. Unmarried women want abortion on demand; married women – especially with children – tend to be squeamish about that. Cheney upbraided them for that squeamishness:
I think there are many of us around the country who have been pro-life but who have watched what is going on in states since the Dobbs decision and have watched state legislatures put in place laws that are resulting in women not getting the care they need. In places like Texas, for example, the attorney general is talking about suing, is suing to get access to women’s medical records. That’s not sustainable for us as a country, and it has to change.
Liz Cheney
Let Liz Cheney speak for herself, and herself alone. In fact that seemed to be the attitude of three who reacted to her “moderated conversations”:
Liz Cheney was against abortion until Liz Cheney wanted a paycheck from people who support abortion.
Normie Democrats when they see Liz Cheney campaigning with Harris: “Liz daughter of Dick Cheney the war criminal?”
15 days to go and they're going all in on Liz Cheney
While this was happening, CNN’s Brian Stelter is busy out-Humphreying the late Hubert “You Never Had It So Good” Humphrey. Columnist Shermichael Singleton of Rutgers University’s Center for Youth Political Participation rounded on Stelter on a CNN panel.
SINGLETON: A lot of Americans look at how much money we allocated to Ukraine, and a lot of Americans wonder why we are spending so much money on this conflict. A lot of people look at how much money we have spent on this conflict, and they’re asking themselves, “My roads are crumbling, my schools suck, we’ve just had major disasters across the country, FEMA doesn’t have...”
STELTER (interrupting): I don’t live in that country. America’s not that horrible.
SINGLETON: Brian, if you get out of New York…
STELTER: I don’t live in New York. I live in a normal city. My roads aren’t crumbling. My schools don’t suck.
SINGLETON: Maybe you’re fortunate to put your kids in darn good schools. (Stelter tries to interrupt before Singleton shuts him down.) Let me finish here! There are a lot of people in this country who are not wealthy, who don’t live in great cities, who do have to send their kids to terrible schools. That is a fact because of their zip codes. American liberals say, “Well, my kids go to great schools, I live in a great neighborhood.” That is your experience! Not the experience of most people in this country. C’mon, bro!
That’s even worse than “Senator Vance, gangs have taken over only a handful of apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado.” That’s to deny that any Americans have it bad. Out of sight, out of mind. (And it’s about time a conservative told one of those smarmy leftists, “Confound it! You wait until I’ve finished talking!”)
The Atlantic Council, one of the more obscure constituencies, has buyer’s remorse
Which brings us to another set of constituencies – with deep pockets – that the Democrats would do better to hide. These are the Power Elite, who suggests Americans are a silly people who elect “vengeful” and “impulsive” men (like Trump). One member of this Power Elite is the Atlantic Council. Yesterday, Dr. Harlan Ullman, senior Atlantic Councillor, speculated that Joe Biden might have been the better Democratic candidate after all.
With the Nov. 5 election just over a fortnight away, here is an intriguing thought experiment.
By most accounts, the election is still a horse race too close to call. But although Vice President Kamala Harris quickly assumed the presidential mantle from Joe Biden and put in place an impressive start-up, October has not been particularly kind to her. Donald Trump has closed the electoral gaps, and some believe he is actually leading.
No matter who wins, we have to ask: Would President Biden have been a better candidate and choice despite suffering from the effects of age and 81 years? Further, suppose that the disastrous June 27 debate with Trump had not taken place, or that Biden had been firing on all cylinders that night. Would Biden have been forced to withdraw? And whether Harris loses or wins, some will ask whether Biden might still have been a better candidate.
Mike LaChance at The Gateway Pundit had a grand time sharing X posts ridiculing the above.
Laying that aside (including a little Simon and Garfunkel!), when you start wondering “what might have been,” you’ve already lost. And “a horse race too close to call”? That was before Trump cooked French fries and served them up to drive-through customers. Those Power Elites are so out-of-touch, they can’t even trouble themselves to pay attention to current events sometimes.
The ancient Romans probably invented contract law before they invented the rest of Roman law. The most common relationship any Roman had, besides the master-slave relationship, was the patron-client relationship. That relationship had two simple rules. First, the client must support the patron in all affairs, including voting for him in an election. Second, the patron must do favors for the client in at least a satisfactory manner.
The mass-electorate constituencies of the Democratic Party have maintained this patron-client relationship for decades, even centuries. But now the relationship is failing. These mass-electorate clients have concluded: their patrons have not served them well. Now Donald J. Trump speaks directly to those constituencies, and says to them,
As your patron, I will get results, as I have gotten for many other clients before you.
And, in tipping-point numbers, individual members of those constituencies believe it.
The Democrats do have other constituencies, of course – the Power Elite. Actually, which, between them, is the client and which the patron is difficult to assess. But one thing is clear: even the Power Elite constituencies are having second thoughts. That’s why the Democratic Presidential campaign is dying.
Link to:
The article:

Deroy Murdock on blacks turning to Trump in critical numbers:

Obama insulted black men:


Liz Cheney and her “moderated conversations”:

Interview between Brian Stelter and Shermichael Singleton:

The Atlantic Council does the might-have-been:

Declarations of Truth X feed:

Declarations of Truth Locals Community:

Conservative News and Views:

Clixnet Media

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