Joker World: The Obama-Kamala 'Folie à Deux'

4 months ago

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Joker: Folie à Deux is quickly becoming recognized as the worst modern sequel and perhaps the biggest movie franchise flop of all-time. What it is not being recognized for are the more than coincidental similarities between what made the film so horrible and the Kamala Harris run for President. With Candace Owens taking the lead on an investigation into Kamala's apparently fake family history, coupled with the idea that Barack Obama has been President for three terms now, the destruction of the United States via Communism makes sense. And legitimizes the phrase "Folie à Deux" to describe the 2024 election cycle.
#jamesanthonyreport #folieadeux #kamalaharris
Partial Transcript:
The phrase "Folie a Deux" in English refers to the presence of the same delusional ideas in two persons closely associated with one another. Perhaps the biggest Hollywood flop of all-time in Joker: Folie a Deux was intentional, as some have suggested. Perhaps the similarity between so many aspects of what happened to drive this film into the ground intentionally resembles the Kamala Harris campaign and run for President. In an almost perfect example of life imitating art-imitating life, the original movie made billions of dollars on the backs of hard-working Americans looking for a diversion. The crowd the original Joker movie generated in 2019 celebrated the non-woke, sign of the times take on a bubbling culture war undercurrent.
The bureaucracy, and its' afforded existence by the original movie, apparently felt such disdain, such hatred for the audience that it decided to make part two a musical. Featuring Lady Gaga. And one in which the audience is subjected to its anti-hero being thrown in prison and assaulted until he dies. In this disaster of a movie, the Joker meets his partner in crime Harley Quinn in an asylum. And if you've been paying any attention to the recent investigative work by Candace Owens regarding Kamala Harris's fake family history you'd see the similarities and why this matters. Born just three years apart, are we expected to believe that Barack Obama and Kamala Harris just happen to be of the same country in Indonesia, the same ideology after an anti-communist purge in the mid 60's, use the same rhetoric, with a fake family history and rise to the highest office in the United States, without a thought as to why this doesn't add up? Especially in today's world.
They hate you. They hate the audience that have given them everything. They cast their Lady Gaga and are forcing the musical on you. They want to take it all down. And they know that you know it's all an act. They expect you to play along and pretend that it's not Lady Gaga but instead, Harley Quinn. The asylum is the CIA. That's where they first met. They're partners in crime. They are taking your anti-hero and abusing him. Perhaps the folly of Folie a Deux is us, the American public, continuing to give our consent by voting for this
corrupt two party paradigm and expecting different results.
This is James Anthony Reporting.

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