Lois Christy Prayer Group conference call for Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

3 days ago

Lois Christy 10/22/2024
Meeting notes and Scripture references
Regular Prayer Call Schedule (please adjust for your local time)
-The Tuesday and Thursday calls begin at 8:30am Central Time
-The Saturday call begins at 9am Central Time.
Discussion of:
-Brandon Biggs
-Veronica West:
Early this morning I woke up suddenly and I heard myself say, ....”PIPE BOMB” ...and I knew that my Spirit must have been interceding while I was asleep and I knew by the Spirit I was praying for President Trump,...
...As I continued praying, I saw a platform that was constructed with scaffolding and I saw many pipes and then a sudden explosion, ...; I felt such an Urgency to pray against every demonic assignment of Assassination against President Trump and that every hidden weapon of the enemy would be fully destroyed and exposed....
..I prayed that any attempt to bring death and destruction through a pipe bomb or any type of explosive devise while President Trump is on the Campaign trail will be thwarted and brought to nothing.
What’s even more important is that my husband shared with me that he woke up at exactly the same time ... and he Looked at the Clock and it was 3:33am and he told me he heard the word, ...”Jeremiah”...
Coincidence, ...I don’t think so!!!
Please Warriors Pray!!!! (facebook.com)
Praying for Tom Caldwell who is going into surgery for the abuse that he endured in the DC prison:
Father, we lift up Tom Caldwell to Your Throne of Grace. There are more than two on this prayer call and we are all standing and agreeing for Tom Calwell’s complete healing according to Your Words about healing and what was done on the Cross (Is 53:4).
Father God, this precious man has been oppressed of the devil in his spirit, soul and body. You have given us authority to destroy the works of the devil, so we take our authority, and we bind satan from harming or killing Tom Caldwell during this surgery.
Satan, we take authority over you now, we bind you and forbid you from attacking him again. We forbid it. You get out of the way; we forbid you to be involved in his surgery.
Holy Spirit, we ask that you come upon him from the top of his head to the souls of his feet. Wrap him in the love, healing and faith of God.
Father, there are two or more in agreement with the Word of God for healing for him. For Jesus said that healing belongs to the children of God. (Mt 15:26) Father, Your Word of healing is Your will for Tom Caldwell, and we believe it.
We also believe for complete recompense for him for all that has been stolen from him; in time, relationships, joy, wellbeing, mentally, spiritually, physically, in his health, and in everything that the devil has stolen from him. Satan, we demand that you restore to him seven-fold of what you have stolen from him. Satan, you must put it back, put it back, put it back, in the Name of Jesus. Restore to him over, beyond and above what was stolen from him.
Father, we ask that You do something supernatural in his surgery. We ask Holy Spirit to guide the surgeon’s hands as Jesus shows what needs to be done. Let everything be done decently and in order as the Word of God says in 1 Corinthinans 14:40: But all things must be done decently, properly and in an orderly manner.
Restore to Tim Caldwell the use of his entire body; anywhere that has been injured, beaten up, mistreated and abused. Complete restoration for his neck and arms. There will be no pain or lingering problems.
Thank You Father for the anointing of the physicians. It is written: “I, the LORD, am your healer” (Ex 15:266) Jesus, You are the Great Physician and we ask that You guide the doctors. We declare that there will be no pain or infection because of this surgery, and everything will be put back in perfect working order the way that God created it to be. Father, let Your anointing be upon all those that touch him.
Ps 23:1-3
The Lord is my Shepard I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul;
Father. We praise You and thank You for the complete restoration of his neck, arms and entire body.
In the Name of Jesus.
Breakthrough for his life, breakthrough for his family. Rise up like an edifice, let the gift of faith operate in this situation.
Hold him in Your arms Lord, let him feel Your love.
Hold him in Your arms, let him sense that life comes from You above.
Strengthen him now, give him joy and hope.
Wrap him in Your arms, Your healing arms of love.
Let him know, let him know it will be so well with your soul.
Let him know healing has come.
Father, let him feel these prayers that we prayed this morning. Let them buoy him up and let him float like he is floating on a cloud. In the Name of Jesus.
There is one charge left against Tom Caldwell, all the others have been dropped by the Supreme Court. This last charge has something to do with him removing personal pictures from his FB post.
Mention of Steve Bannon being in prison for another week.
For Tom Caldwell, Steve Bannon and others unjustly imprisoned for righteousness:
2 Thess1:3-8
We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brethren, as is only fitting, because your faith is greatly enlarged, and the love of each one of you toward one another grows ever greater; therefore, we ourselves speak proudly of you among the churches of God for your perseverance and faith in the midst of all your persecutions and afflictions which you endure.
This is a plain indication of God’s righteous judgment so that you will be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which indeed you are suffering.
For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.
Discussion of:
- Lawsuits and books coming forth because of the unrighteousness that was done. Hearing the word ‘lawsuit’ while praying in tongues.
- The Holy Spirit, praying in tongues and the seven-fold return.
Playing part of Jack Hibbs | When Christians Fail to Vote (Psalm 33:12)

-Starting at minute 33.
-Jack Hibbs was given Sir Isaac Newton’s family Bible.
-Quotes from some of the Founding Fathers and scriptures.
-Why in the world does the Democrat Party and Democrats always fight and War and vote against the Constitution?
-Jack Hibbs playing clip from | WorldOverComers Church:
Discussion of the government and who it really belongs to:
Is 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Discussion of voting:
-Amish voting
-Voting in Arizonia
James 4:17
So any person who knows what is right to do but does not do it, to him it is sin.
Father, we are agreeing that those that know You will wake up and see that if they are not voting it is a sin of omission. Move upon the people to vote for Your will, Your righteousness in every election, in every state.
Father, let people clearly see the evil of the Democratic platform so they will vote for righteousness. We ask that You wake up Your people, so they vote for the right candidates in mass.
In the Name of Jesus.
Discussion of Rinos and doing your due diligence.
-Carbon pipeline
-Testimony of Ivermectin gel being smeared on the bottom of the feet and healing the body of cancer.
Discussion of Mary who hurt her back:
-Epson salts
-Over exercising
Lord, thank You for healing Mary’s back quickly and for Carolyn to get the Ivermectin applied.
Mention of the Brunson brothers lawsuit. [Brunson v. Alma S. Adams; et al., (Biden, Harris, Pence & 385 Members of Congress)]
Prayer about “Pipe bomb”, Veronica West prophecy that was spoken about earlier:
Satan, we forbid it, we forbid any assassination, any plot or plan to kill PDJT. We take our authority in our country, and we forbid you from doing your plans to take PDJT out. Evey plan that you come up with to do away with PDJT, it will backfire and boomerang on you. We do our part of taking authority over you and God does His part. In Jesus’ Name.
For it is written:
Ps 94:22-23 TPT
But I know that all their evil plans will boomerang back onto them. Every plot they hatch will simply seal their own doom. For You, my God, you will destroy them, giving them what they deserve. For You are my true tower of strength, my safe place, my hideout, and my true shelter.
Ps 94: 21-23 TLB
Do You approve of those who condemn the innocent to death? No! The Lord my God is my fortress—the mighty Rock where I can hide. God has made the sins of evil men to boomerang upon them! He will destroy them by their own plans. Jehovah our God will cut them off.
Father, we believe that the deep state will know the truth, that Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords, and it will not go well with them. In the Name of Jesus.
-Ps 37:15
But their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.
-Ps 105:15
Don’t touch My anointed ones or do My prophets no harm!
-Ps 109:26-31
Help me, O Lord my God; save me according to Your lovingkindness. And let them know that this is Your Hand; You, Lord, have done it. Let them curse, but You bless; when they arise, they shall be ashamed, but Your servant shall be glad. Let my accusers be clothed with dishonor and let them cover themselves with their own shame as with a robe.
With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to the Lord; and in the midst of many I will praise Him. For He stands at the right hand of the needy, to save him from those who judge his soul.
Lois prays for everyone:
Father, we plead the Blood of Jesus for divine protection and health over everyone on this prayer call, our loved ones and those that come on later on Rumble. The Blood of Jesus over our loved ones and our spirits, souls and bodies. The Blood of Jesus over our loved ones that don’t know Jesus yet. Thank You for ordering their steps, giving them wisdom, knowledge, understanding and protection. Thank You for protecting and delivering them, deliver them from the lies and deception of the devil and to be ready to go home with You when the trumpet sounds and You call us home.
The Blood of Jesus over our finances: we will always have full provision of whatever we need in this hour. You meet all of our needs through the glory and riches in Christ Jesus.
The Blood of Jesus over our every household, house and property. Angels are encamped around us. There will be no destruction of our dwelling places and houses. Our houses are safe, no harm, lack or famine is coming around our dwelling places. We are kept safe from all harm. There will be no calamity, no catastrophic earthquakes coming to our homes. No harm, no plagues, no storms, no tornadoes, no fires, no wind damage, no floods, no hail, no lightning, no violent intruders, no criminals, no robbers, no disease and no disasters of any sort coming to our houses and dwellings. Our homes are peaceful habitations, and we are sheltered in God. Thank You for the angels that take charge and guard over our dwellings. In the Name of Jesus.
The Blood of Jesus over our beloved pets that bring us much joy, they are happy, healthy, free of diseases, safe and have long, carefree, blessed lives. Thank You for protecting the people and the animals thru these hurricanes. Thank You Lord for hearing our prayers and answering them.
Aaronic Blessing over everyone:
The Lord bless you and keep and protect you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you His peace.
In the Name of Jesus.
Prayer over Lois:
Father God, we give You praise, we give You glory, and we give You honor. We thank You for Your faithfulness to us and to Lois. Thank You that the Word of God permeates in her and she is led by the Holy Spriit. The Word of God is centered in her and it is the plumbline in her. She hears the voice of the Father, and she doesn’t follow the voice of a stranger. She doesn’t go to the right or to the left. The angels are encamped around her.
Bless her mouth with Your Words of wisdom; Words that come from You that she doesn’t even realize that are coming from You. She is anointed to set the captives free. Thank You for the purity and cleanliness that comes from her mouth that blesses others.
Thank You for protection over her, for her finances, her properties and her kitties. The Blood of Jesus is over everything that concerns her. No weapon formed against Lois will prosper.
We thank You that Your Hand will touch her today as she goes to the chiropractor and You heal her hip completely, so she will never have to go again to the doctor for her hip. We are two or more in agreement, so we ask for a miracle for her hip to be restored and completely healed.
Healing belongs to Lois, she receives it, and she gives a testimony about it for Your glory. In the Name of Jesus.
Praying Numbers 6:24-26, Aaronic Blessing over Lois:
The Lord bless you Lois, and keep you [protect you, sustain you, and guard you]; the Lord make His face shine upon you [with favor], and be gracious to you [surrounding you with lovingkindness]; the Lord lift up His approving countenance (face) upon you [with divine approval] and give you peace [a tranquil heart and life].
Amen, in the Name of Jesus.
Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the Words of Eternal Life John 6:68
Make much of the Blood of Jesus and the Blood will make much of you.

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