Book Review. The Man Whose Teachings Changed the World Forever!

4 months ago

Book Review for 'Desire of Ages' by Ellen White

From a humble birth, to healing the blind, lame and deaf. From being loved by the people and heralded as their king; to being betrayed, tortured, condemned and the people yelling ‘crucify’ him.

But this story does not end there. Through the ages this epic story has inspired millions, giving hope to the downtrodden, joy to the sorrowful, and inner peace to people surrounded by chaos.

Down through the ages His story has stood above the rest, His sacrifice was the ultimate test.
And even though many reject, it is impossible to forget.

‘Desire of Ages’ by Ellen White draws Jesus’ story from the gospels, and provides deeper insights to why so many believe Jesus was and is the Son of God.

Ellen White uses vivid imagery, historical accuracy, and compassionate covering of the people in this book, providing a must-read glimpse into why so many still follow Jesus, and supplies detailed explanations to some of the more puzzling sayings of Jesus.
A must-read for anyone wanting to discover more about Jesus, and how His teachings still have relevance for us today.

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