Keto Basics - Chicken Salad!

2 hours ago

Good day all and welcome back to the channel!
Today, we're doing something quick and easy that also happens to be quite versatile: chicken salad!

Full disclosure: my sister in law is the queen of chicken salad. I'm just doing my own spin on what she does to make it keto and remove the seed oils.

Why do I say my sister in law is the queen of chicken salad?
First, it's delicious! Something this basic ought not be this tasty!

Second, she's gotten to the point where she can make large batches of it for all sorts of events/needs. For example: need something that you can bring along to a pot luck that doesn't need to be heated? This works! Need something to bring along for a wedding shower? Use the same chicken salad but maybe splurge a bit and pack along some mini croissants or some fancy rolls. It can be assembled in minutes, often without needing to get anything from the store.

3 boneless skinless chicken breasts
~ 4 stalks of celery, diced
~ 4 tablespoons of mayo (preferably the kind without seed oils)
~ 1/4 teaspoon Complete Seasoning (Badia brand)
~ 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder
~ 1/2 teaspoon of onion powder
~ 2 tablespoons of salt for the cooking liquid + 1.5 pinches for the final product
couple grinds of fresh black pepper

Dice celery.
Drop the chicken into the boiling salted water and cook for ~ 25 minutes until done.
Remove chicken from the pot and let stand for a couple minutes, then dice.
Add diced celery to diced chicken.
Add the rest of the ingredients and mix.
Adjust seasoning as needed.

That is IT!

BTW: This recipe can be readily adjusted to meal plan or to make a bunch for a pot luck.

For meal planning, can serve as is (maybe add some pickle and some cheese), or on top of a large salad, or try it in a low carb roll or low carb wrap. Easy, simple, and delicious that also happens to be low carb! For your carb enjoying friends/family, no problem! Just use rolls/croissants and now everyone gets something that they enjoy.

What do you all do to make your chicken salad?? Let me know in the comments below!

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