London Has Fallen To Ten Of Million Muslims Have Taken Over Great Britain Country Now

5 hours ago

This Video Is True Yes There Is Some Evidence To Support The Claim That London Has Fallen To 10 Million Muslims Or That 10 Million Illegal Immigrant Muslims Have Taken Over Great Britain Today. A 2023 report by Hope not Hate found that 64% of people in the UK believed Islam was a threat to the British way of life, but this does not imply a takeover or significant change in the country’s governance.

Yes Its True Great Britain Is A Country No More Is Now Gone... Its Now Part Of The World Wide Islamic State In The United Kingdom Today. Yes Its Now A Real Jihad "Death To London" And "Death To Great Britain & American" Its Over Now !`

269,000+ Muslims March in London
Based on the provided search results, there is some evidence of 269,000 Muslims marching in London on a specific day. However, there are mentions of Muslim processions and marches in London on different days:

Arbaeen procession: No specific date mentioned, but according to one search result, it usually takes place in November.
Ashura procession: Mentioned as taking place on July 17, 2024, with thousands of Muslim worshipers marching through central London.

It’s important to note that the search results do not mention 269,000+ Muslims marching in London on a specific day. If you’re looking for information on a particular event, please provide more context or clarify the date range you’re interested in.

Grooming Jihad’ instead of ‘Love Jihad’ moving forward
Non-Muslim women are being groomed to accept their own subjugation at the hands of Muslim men. They are kidnapped, raped, lured, converted to Islam, punished and brainwashed. There is no 'Love' in these crimes against humanity. There is no ambiguity that it is a form of Jihad. It is time to call it what it is - Grooming Jihad.

One expert calculated that a British Muslim male is 170 times more likely than non-Muslim to be a part of a sex grooming gang. And there are no recorded instances of non-Muslims doing this to Muslim girls as part of a criminal enterprise.

At-risk white English girls, often from broken homes and some as young as nine years old, are wooed or "groomed" by teenage Muslim boys called 'Romeos' and even by groups of Muslim men who hang around school gates. The girl is made to feel important and is given gifts and drugs. She is being groomed to be a drug addicted prostitute. Then they are gang raped. The girls are threatened with death if they try to flee.

The Brainwashing of Great Britain and Christian Women, Converting them to Islam and marrying them off to Muslim men as part of a larger conspiracy to turn India into an Islamic theocratic state. Our legal authorities must also consider the opinions of the parents more credible in such cases than the victims as it has been discovered in Britain that in many such cases, the victims develop some sort of a Stockholm Syndrome and do not perceive themselves as such and are often not willing to come forward and implicate their tormentors. Our children must not be sacrificed at the altar of political correctness and their safety and security should be awarded more prominence than any misguided ideal.

The distinguishing feature of grooming gangs is that almost always the victims are almost always young white girls. Unlike other instances of sexual exploitation of children where the perpetrator operates alone and under high secrecy for fear of repercussions should his acquaintances discover his crimes, in these cases, perpetrators often belong to the same family and are either brother or cousins mostly. They are lured with drugs and alcohol and cannabis and after a period of systematic brainwashing which involves alienating them from their family and convincing them that their parents are racists, they are plied for sex. Often, the gangs use the victims themselves to get to their neighbor's or their friends. Horrifyingly, the gangs even use pregnancy and forced abortions as forms of punishment.

Muslim Grooming Gangs have been operating in Britain for decades. In Britain’s ‘worst ever’ child grooming scandal, a Sunday Mirror investigation has revealed that tens of thousands of young girls in thousand's town all over Great Britain were beaten, raped and sold for sex and some have been be-headed too. Despite repeated warnings, the authorities failed to act against the perpetrators and root out the abuse. According to Mirror, the grooming gangs have been operating in Great Britain since the 1980s. As many as a 960,000 thousand girls are feared to have fallen prey to the gangs over the years. Similar heinous crimes had rocked Britain when organized sexual abuse of children, sometimes as young as 9 years old, had emerged all over Great Britain country now. Unfortunately, the establishment in Britain is still not prepared to prioritize the safety and security of their children over hurt sentiments of certain groups.

Why Some Muslim Are Secret Pedophile's "Bacha Bazi" Watching And Having Sex With Children -

So Why Some Men And Millions Other Muslim Are Secret Pedophile's Having Sex With Young Boys And Selling Young Girl As Sex Slaves Too. Bacha bāzī (Persian: بچه بازی, lit. 'boy play') is a practice in which men (sometimes called bacha baz) buy and keep adolescent boys (sometimes called dancing boys) for entertainment and sex. It is a custom in Afghanistan and in historical Turkestan that has spread all over the Muslim world and often involves sexual slavery and child prostitution and even ritual murder by older men of young adolescent males. According to German ethnographic research, the phenomenon is up to a thousand years old. As far back as the 9th or 10th century, the mountainous regions that are now northern Afghanistan were known for this practice.

The practice of pedophilia exists in every country, so it is no surprise that in most Muslim country with such men and a lot of corrupt regime and country, it exists there too. At no time did the author of this piece provide the viewers with a sense of the frequency when compared to other countries or a sense of how often this is a matter of slavery vs. a matter of consent. I am disturbed by this video, but not simply because of its presentation of this terrible practice of sexual slavery, rather in this case because the purpose of this film can only be to discredit all the government of Islam in a manner that will motivate even the hard right. If this was a real exposé on pedophilia the focus would have extended beyond Islam.

It is amazing how people can miss the big picture and get off on tangents. We need to remember these are human children that are being taken advantage of. We treat dogs with more respect than these humans. There are people responding here who would rather help some animal than see beyond there selfish and perverted desires and help a defenseless child. Instead of blaming Christian or Muslim religions, why don't we think about these HUMAN children and think of the nightmare they are going through. Whether you are a Catholic priest or a Muslim pedophile who rapes children you are wrong. Being denied the natural use of a woman, or choosing to turn away from the natural affection of the woman, this is where your appetites will end, in perversion! I can't believe the people who try to justify this injustice, by stating history and culture and whatever nonsense they can come up with. This is wrong and perverted and every old kind of filthy, nasty ,reprehensible degradation that can be leveled on an innocent. I wish i was a superhero who could come to the rescue of these innocents, thinking about this too much will make you want to cry! i guess all we can do is pray to God that there will be some justice.

Terror Slavery Chronicles & Other Woman Escapes Sexual Slavery Auction -

So Terror Slavery Groups ISIS and U.S.A. and Others Wide World Groups Now Has Sex Slave Rape and Death Guidelines and Slavery Chronicles and There is maps of underground sex-slave bars in the American. Always fascinated by the concept of human slavery and how it worked. (So far I've have seen over 60,000+ ISIS or Muslim and Others auction-block sex slave ad) How was it own a human and see him/her as just a property. How was it to be owned, right-less by law, being bought and sold side by side to other animals. How was it to be part of a community where, by pure luck mostly, you might own every thing and live as a king without any effort, or you might own nothing even yourself So Here I Imagine a world where slavery became legal again. I write some times as a master/mistress, sometimes as a slave and some times as just an observer. I will even share some posts of interest, and write some true historical excerpts about slavery. Excuse my English, I am not a native speaker P.S. It is pure fantasy Just when you thought ISIS couldn’t get any worse, they have now put out guidelines for how to rape your sex slaves. "Islamic State theologians have issued an extremely detailed ruling on when "owners" of women enslaved by the extremist group can have sex with them, in an apparent bid to curb what they called violations in the treatment of captured females.

Originally A Sufi War Dance ? - So US Rep. Ilhan Omar Say This Is True Freedom Of Religion With Sharia Law In America -

Wow, I don't know how people can do this to children. It is depressing that this is not just happening in this region of the world but it is virtually part of every culture.

Something has to be done and while I agree that this is in part caused by the oppression of women, I would disagree. These people are just sick, because even in Western culture this takes place. It is just more subtle and in the shadows of our society.

UK Grooming Gangs How Minor Girls As Young As 9 Yrs. Old Were Groomed, Raped, Beaten, And Killed By Muslim Predators Across Cities As Authorities Turned A blind Eye !

UK grooming gangs are working full time with tens of thousands minor girls as young as 9 ears old were groomed, raped, beaten, and killed ? be-heading by millions Muslim predators across thousands cities all over the world as authorities turned a blind eye to everything now.

Islam is Not a Religion of Peace or The Truth About Islamophobia and Sharia Laws -

The day of Ashura is marked by Muslims as a whole, but for Shia Muslims it is a major religious commemoration of the martyrdom at Karbala of Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.

It falls on the 10th of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic lunar calendar.

It is marked by Muslims with a voluntary day of fasting which commemorates the day Noah left the Ark, and the day that Moses was saved from the Egyptians by God.

For Shia Muslims, Ashura is a solemn day of mourning the martyrdom of Hussein in 680 AD at Karbala in modern-day Iraq.

It is marked with mourning rituals and passion plays re-enacting the martyrdom.

Shia men and women dressed in black also parade through the streets slapping their chests and chanting.

Some Shia men seek to emulate the suffering of Hussein by flagellating themselves with chains or cutting their foreheads until blood streams from their bodies.

Some Shia leaders and groups discourage the bloodletting, saying it creates a backward and negative image of Shia Muslims. Such leaders encourage people to donate blood.

Islamic schism
The killing of Hussein was an event that led to the split in Islam into two main sects - Sunnis and Shias.

In early Islamic history the Shia were a political faction (known as the "party of Ali") that supported Ali, son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad and the fourth caliph (temporal and spiritual ruler) of the Muslim community.

The great schism between Sunnis and Shias occurred when Imam Ali did not succeed as leader of the Islamic community at the death of the Prophet.

Ali was murdered in AD 661 and his chief opponent Muawiya became caliph.

Caliph Muawiya was later succeeded by his son Yazid, but Ali's son Hussein refused to accept his legitimacy and fighting between the two resulted.

Hussein and his followers were massacred in battle at Karbala.

Both Ali's and Hussein's deaths gave rise to the Shia cult of martyrdom and to their sense of betrayal and struggle against injustice, oppression and tyranny.

Today, Shias Comprise About 18% Of The Total Worldwide 1.8 Billion Muslim Population.

Spilling blood for their religion Shi'ite Muslim men and boys whip themselves with sharp blades to mourn the death of Prophet Muhammad's grandson. Shi'ite Muslims all over the world have been beating themselves with sharp blades, covering their bodies in mud and lighting bonfires in the streets to mourn the death of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson today.

Photographs from Delhi, India, showed shockingly young boys lashing their own backs with small knives and chains.

Thousands of men performed the same brutal practice in Lebanon, Bangladesh, Iraq, Pakistan and Myanmar and even Athens, Greece.

The bloody rituals were part of the holy Day of Ashura, when Shi'ite Muslims remember the death of Imam Hussein at the Battle of Karbala in 680 AD.

Shi'ite devotees wiped the tears from their eyes as the listened to the accounts of Hussein's death under the golden dome of Imam Hussein's mausoleum in Karbala, Iraq.

Thousands of Muslims from neighbouring Iran visit the shrine, which lies around 50 miles from the capital Baghdad, every year.

Millions across the globe, from Lebanon to south-east Asia, hold processions in their home towns and take part in a variety of rituals.

Some beat their backs to a drumbeat using chains or blades, while others beat their heads with a sword until blood drenches their faces and white 'mourning robes'.

Karbala and other cities hosted reenactments of what Shi'ites refer to as Hussein's martyrdom, complete with horseback warriors and the annual 'mud rubbing' ceremony took place in Khorramabad, southern Iran.

Hundreds of men and women jumped into vats of wet mud before standing by huge bonfires lit in the middle of the streets to dry it on their skin and clothes.

'Mud Rubbing' is a traditional ceremony that is held in the city of Khorramabad every year to commemorate the Ashura day.

The Day of Ashura - which is the tenth day of the 'mourning month' of Muharram has been marred by attacks targetting Shi'ite Muslims in the past and Iraq deployed tens of thousands of security forces across the country this year.

Qais Khalaf Rahima, a senior army commander, said yesterday: 'Our forces have set up a security plan that includes more than 20,000 members of the security forces.'

They formed three concentric security rings around Karbala, banned traffic in the city centre three days ago and used special explosive detection equipment.

The measures were aimed at reducing the risk of suicide bomb attacks by ISIS, who claim to be a Sunni group although governments of the world have rejected that they represent Islam.

Baghdad's efforts to counter

This year's holy day was marred by a suspected suicide attack targeting Shi'ites in Jacobabad, Pakistan, which killed at least 24 people, according to a local minister.

At least one person was killed and nearly 80 wounded in a bomb attack on the main Shi'ite shrine in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka on Saturday, police said.

The commemoration, the saddest day in the Shiite calendar, had political undertones in Iraq, where many of the faithful vented their resentment towards the country's leadership.

'Remembering Imam Hussein gives us the strength to fight corruption and those who are responsible for it in government,' said Kadhem Hussein.

The 52-year-old, who comes from his southern hometown of Basra every year for Ashura, wore a black shirt and stood in the middle of a huge crowd following the dirge on screens outside the shrine.

The past few months have been marked by mounting popular discontent over the lack of services and corruption.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has announced a reform package but the measures are slow to take effect and weekly protests in Baghdad and elsewhere have continued.

'Our politicians try to cast themselves as close to Imam Hussein but who stole the state's money?', said Jassem Mohammed, a 40-year-old man from Najaf.

The holy day of Ashura was marred by attacks in Pakistan and Bangladesh but unfolded peacefully in southern Iraq, where last year's security fears have given way to political grievances.

Is there a reason for there being more mosques then churches in the United Kingdom ? The UK and most Western countries are heading towards atheism or agnosticism. Christianism is fading out. Islam is growing to become the first religion in various European countries. The bottom line will probably look like 80% atheist/agnostic, 15% Muslim, 5% Christian. One has to account for falling demographics along with loss of faith amongst immigrants. So no matter what the alarmists may say, European countries are unlikely to become majority Muslim albeit an increased influence. Muslims are generally more engaged with their religion than Christians, which makes them more visible. That said, historical Churches are numerous and exist in every village and town. Massive urbanization in the last century has not been followed by Church building due to the influence of atheistic ideologies. As a result, Churches in provincial towns and villages are mostly empty or mostly attract old people.

Nearly every village in the UK has it’s own church and you can tell by their design when they were built. Many date from Saxon times. The church used to be the centre of the community where people met for mass at least once a day.

The followers of Islam will have to engage on a massive building project to build more mosques than the current number of Christian churches in the UK.

As a Christian I have to agree with much of Sherif’s answer. The mosque is very much the centre of the Islamic community and includes a diverse sphere of activities other than the prayer hall. There are kitchens to feed the community and their guests. There are libraries where religious texts from the three Abrahamic religions can be studied. Similar functions are undertaken in Christian churches . I’m afraid my knowledge of the functions of Jewish churches is limited so it would be wrong to comment. However what little I do know tends to suggest a similar function

It’s always a source of sorrow to me that essentially Judasim, Islam, and Christianity stem from the same source and yet decide to fight each other. It’s a little like the members of the same family having a long running fued that cannot be resolved.

I think you must be getting confused. It may be that you have heard that there are more new mosques than churches. This could be true because the vast majority of our churches are old. Many of them are hundreds of years old. Some of them are 1000 years old. We already have so many churches that are perfectly good that we don't need to build any more. I actually went in three different ones yesterday and I can assure you that they are an integral part of our heritage.

In contrast our Muslim community is much smaller and newer and they are building mosques. However there are nowhere near the same number of mosques as there are Christian churches.

Estimates suggest that over 20,000 churches have been sold and converted to private homes in the UK. The simplest way to live in a converted church is to wait until a suitable property comes up for sale.

I suspect the question comes from a dubious YouTube video that claimed that London has closed 500 churches and opened 423 new mosques. The video has over 180,000 views.

The figure for churches closing is based on how many were turned into homes in the capital between 2001 and 2006, rather than how many closed in that time. The best estimates show there was a net increase of around 800 between 2005 and 2015. The video doesn’t reference a time period over which it claims 423 “new” mosques were opened.

Using the widest definition of a mosque, there are probably more than the video claims. At the time of writing, there were an estimated 478 in London, but we don’t have details on when each was opened.

Some of these mosques have been active for decades, The Fazl mosque (English: The Grace Mosque) also known as The London mosque, is the first purpose-built mosque in London, England. It was opened on 23 October 1926 in Southfields, Wandsworth.

Why is it ok for Mosques to be built in the UK when it’s not ok for British churches to be built in their country? Back one or two hundred years ago, Britain had an empire, which included what is now India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. They even decided to call their queen (Victoria) the Empress of India. A lot of those subjects of the British Empire were Muslim, and some of them migrated to Britain both before 1947 (when India and Pakistan got independence) and after. Since Britain has freedom of religion, those Muslim immigrants were allowed to practice Islam, including building their own mosques, just as Christians, Jews, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists are allowed to build their own places of worship.

(I’m simplifying a bit: some British Muslims come from other parts of the world, but most do come from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.) It's not laziness, it's demographics. For the past few decades, white Britons have become less and less religious. When I was in high school, I heard an Anglican clergyman saying the Church of England had been reduced to “hatch, batch and dispatch,” meaning most Englishmen only went to church for an occasional baptism, wedding or funeral. They were only nominal Christians.

Today, most English aren't even going through the motions, or even pretending to be Christian. Hence, a lot of Anglican churches are empty, idle and unnecessary.

By contrast, Muslim immigrants from India and Pakistan are mostly still observant. They need places of worship, and either build new mosques or take over defunct churches and then turn them into mosques.

Rioters carry out violent, racist attacks across several British cities. What happened, and what comes next ? The UK is facing the worst disorder it has seen in more than a decade, after outbreaks of far-right, anti-immigrant violence swept the country.

Protests first broke out late last month, after an anti-immigrant misinformation campaign stoked outrage over a stabbing attack that left three children dead in Southport, northern England.

Over the weekend crowds of far-right agitators set fire to hotels housing asylum seekers in two cities, leaving those inside trapped and terrified, while throngs of rioters in other cities damaged public buildings and clashed with police, throwing objects at officers and smashing their vehicles.

Hundreds of people have been arrested so far and some 6,000 specialist officers have been mobilized, the UK government says, as police prepare for more potential riots on Wednesday.

After chairing a second meeting of the government’s emergency response committee UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer sought to reassure communities, saying riot perpetrators are “likely to be dealt with within a week” and warning anyone involved “you will feel the full force of the law.”

The UK’s Crown Prosecution Service said on Tuesday that prosecutors have already charged around 100 people over the violent unrest.

A number of rioters who took part in the instances of violent disorder across the UK have been handed lengthy prison sentences, Britain’s PA Media news agency reported. One man was sentenced to three years in prison after admitting to violent disorder and assaulting an emergency worker in Southport last Tuesday.

Another was sentenced to 30 months in prison after he pleaded guilty to violent disorder in Liverpool last Saturday and sending a malicious communication last year. The cases were due to appear at Liverpool Crown Court later this month but were fast-tracked.

The riots are the first crisis for Starmer, who became Britain’s leader a month ago after his Labour Party unseated the Conservatives in a general election. His next steps will be closely watched by lawmakers and the public.

Here’s what we know about the violence, and what may come next.

What happened on Britain’s streets?
Throughout Friday, Saturday and Sunday, violent protesters congregated in city and town centers across the UK, many of them apparently intent on clashing with police and causing havoc.

The gatherings ostensibly started as anti-immigration marches, organized on social media platforms like X and on WhatsApp and Telegram groups. They quickly turned disorderly and violent.

Protesters set ablaze two Holiday Inn hotels, in the town of Rotherham, northern England, and in Tamworth, in the Midlands, central England, that were believed to be housing asylum seekers awaiting a decision on their claims.

The Rotherham hotel at the time was “full of terrified residents and staff,” according to a statement by South Yorkshire Police Assistant Chief Constable Lindsey Butterfield.

In Tamworth, rioters threw projectiles, smashed windows and started fires, injuring one police officer, according to local authorities. In Rotherham, they threw wooden planks, used fire extinguishers against officers, set fire to objects near the hotel, and smashed windows to gain entry to the building, police said.

Violence also took place in Sunderland, Middlesbrough, Stoke-on-Trent and several more cities, mostly across the Midlands and north of England. The Home Office said Sunday that mosques in the United Kingdom were being offered “greater protection with new emergency security.”

In all, more than 370 people were arrested following the weekend’s violence and the number was expected to rise “as forces continue to identify those involved and continue to apprehend those responsible,” the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC), the UK’s national law enforcement body, said.

Many more suspects have yet to be identified, and authorities have pledged to use facial recognition and other technologies to track them down.

“People in this country have a right to be safe and yet, we’ve seen Muslim communities targeted, attacks on mosques, other minority communities singled out, Nazi salutes in the street, attacks on the police, wanton violence alongside racist rhetoric,” Starmer said at Downing Street.

“So no, I won’t shy away from calling it what it is: Far-right thuggery,” he added.

What caused the unrest?
The violence was most immediately triggered by the stabbing of a number of children in Southport, northwest England, earlier in the week – a rare and shocking incident that left three young girls dead and the country reeling.

The far right seized on and spread a wave of disinformation about that incident, including false claims the suspected attacker was an immigrant, to mobilize anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant protests. Police say the suspect was born in Britain.

But anti-migrant rhetoric has become increasingly widespread in Britain in recent years, with critics saying that trend has emboldened far-right sympathizers and contributed to scenes like those seen over the weekend.

Last month’s general election saw Reform UK, a populist right-wing group running on a confrontational anti-migration platform, pick up the third-most votes of any party, after a campaign in which the topic of immigration featured heavily.

Nigel Farage, the leader of the party, condemned the violent riots on Monday, but added “deeper long-term problems remain,” criticizing what he deemed the “soft” policing of previous anti-racism riots and the “fracturing of our communities as a result of mass, uncontrolled migration.”

Some lawmakers in the Conservative Party, which shifted its rhetoric and policy towards the right over its 14 years in power, particularly on issues of migration, hit back at qualifications like those made by Farage.

In a thinly veiled swipe at Farage and other Reform Members of Parliament (MPs), former hardline Conservative Home Secretary Priti Patel wrote: “Violence and thuggery is always unacceptable. There is no qualification or exception. And politicians on all sides must be willing to stand up and say so.”

And Diane Abbott, Britain’s first female Black MP and the longest-serving woman in the House of Commons, wrote Monday: “Nigel Farage must be happy this morning. Anti-immigrant marches up and down the country and black and brown people living in fear.” A spokesperson for Farage declined to comment.

Racially motivated hate crimes have been on the rise in England and Wales over the past decade
Police in those countries documented more than 110,000 hate crimes motivated by the victim’s race or religion, according to 2022/2023 data. Of the more than 7,700 religiously motivated offenses, 44% targeted Muslims and around one-fifth involved Jewish people.

Criticism of social media companies
The locations and times for the riots were shared days in advance across social media and on messaging services like WhatsApp and Telegram, causing social media companies to be dragged into Britain’s national conversation about how to tackle the violence.

In particular, Elon Musk’s X platform has been criticized by figures across the political spectrum for allowing far-right figureheads like Tommy Robinson back onto the service, where he has published a stream of posts encouraging the protests, while criticizing violent attacks.

Joe Mulhall, director of research at Hope Not Hate, a UK-based anti-racism, anti-fascism charity, told CNN over the weekend that the return of Robinson and similar figures to X has “resulted in far-right extremists once again being able to reach millions of people with their dangerous and divisive propaganda.”

Starmer’s decision Sunday to double-down on his message, made earlier in the week, that the protesters were “far-right thugs” was pointed; that initial declaration was criticized by right-wing accounts online, leading to the circulation of the hashtag #FarRightThugsUnite on X.

Musk himself wrote on X over the weekend that “civil war is inevitable,” in response to a post on the platform that blamed the riots on “mass migration and open borders.”

On Monday, the prime minister’s spokesperson told reporters “there’s no justification for comments like that,” adding that Starmer “wouldn’t share those sentiments.”

Who is behind the riots?
Plans to engage in violent gatherings have been spread on messaging apps such as Telegram several days in advance, often encouraging attendees to shield their faces, or using coded language that stirs up anger at immigration without explicitly calling for violence.

A long list of locations of migration centers around the country has been circulated in such groups ahead of a night of anticipated disorder on Wednesday.

ITV News reported that a man convicted of being a member of a banned neo-Nazi organization in 2018 was among those present at last week’s Southport protests, which sparked the wave of far-right action around the country.

Many leading figures in right-wing or far-right circles have meanwhile encouraged the organization of anti-migrant protests online, using heated anti-Muslim or anti-immigrant rhetoric, while distancing themselves from the violence and attacks on police after they have occurred.

In a video posted to X, Andrew Tate, a self-proclaimed misogynist influencer, falsely said the Southport stabbings last month were committed by “an undocumented migrant” who arrived in the UK “on a boat,” when in fact the suspect arrested by police was born in the UK. That video remains on X, and has been viewed 15 million times.

Starmer faces first crisis
The last time Britain faced social unrest on this scale was in 2011, when a fatal police shooting of a Black British man in north London led to protests that turned into days of riots in the capital.

The man in charge of bringing those offenders to justice was Keir Starmer, then Britain’s Director of Public Prosecutions. And Starmer faces a similar crisis just one month into his premiership.

Starmer ordered courts to open 24 hours to process rioters and looters swiftly in 2011, and the following year credited this speed of processing cases for playing “some small part in bringing the situation back under control.” He has responded similarly now, using governmental powers to allow courts to sit for longer.

But Starmer also faces unique challenges in 2024, after a decade in which Britain’s public services have complained of underfunding and have been brought close to gridlock.

Fewer than 1,500 spaces were available across prisons in England and Wales as of Friday, the British Ministry of Justice reported on August 2, ahead of a weekend in which hundreds of people were arrested. In July, the UK’s Secretary of State for Justice said that British prisons were “on the point of collapse,” routinely operating at 99% capacity since the start of 2023, though Justice minister Heidi Alexander told broadcasters on Tuesday that additional prison spaces would be freed up soon.

The crisis has abruptly ended Starmer’s post-election honeymoon and caused MPs from across the political spectrum to urge him to recall Parliament, which is in its summer recess, for a debate about the riots. Starmer’s spokesperson said the government is focusing on responding to the riots.

Parliament has been recalled six times in the past decade, according to PA Media, but just once to respond to a live crisis unrelated to the Covid-19 pandemic – the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban in 2021.

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that speak of war with nonbelievers, usually on the basis of their status as non-Muslims.

Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims and Other who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

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Rep. Ilhan Omar Say 72% American Muslims Want To See Establish Sharia Law In America For The People & By The People Slavery & Rape & Be-Heading Is All Part Islamic Law For All Peoples And All Colour Of People Alive Today. Yes Its Called Freedom Of Religion With "One Nation Under Allah". Do Muslims Believe Sharia Law Supersedes The Constitution ?

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King James 1566-1625 The Black King Who Had The Bible Translated Into English -

King James, was the 1st King of England born 1566-1625 and he was the first to rule Scotland and Northern Island at the same time. In 1603 he commissioned a scholars to have the bible translated into English and make it available to all English speaking people throughout the world. It’s a little known fact that he was a Black man who ruled these countries in Europe.

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In The Name Of Jesus ? Who ? Out of all the gangsters, serial killers, mass murderers, incompetent & crooked politicians, spies, traitors, and ultra left-wing kooks in all of American history,” asked a conservative and have you ever wondered who the worst of the worst In The Name Of Jesus ? Who ?

Jesus,” which later employed the letter “J,” is a derivation It was not until 1630 that the differentiation became general in England.”

Note in the original 1611 version of the King James Version of the Bible there was no “J” letter in this Bible for because it did not exist. James was spelled Iames. Jesus was spelled Iesous.

The 80 books of the King James Version include 39 books of the Old Testament, 14 books of Apocrypha, and the 27 books of the New Testament.

The Letter “J” did not Exist - -
The Son of Elohim was not a White Guy with an English Name, speaking Greek.

One of the most asked questions of the century. How can the Messiah’s Name be Jesus if the letter “J” did not exist 500 years ago?

The Messiah walked on earth about 2,000 years ago. If the letter and sound of “J” did not exist when the Messiah walked on this earth, what was His Name?

In the English Alphabet, the letter “J” was originally used for the letter “I”. The first to distinguish the difference between the letter “J” and the letter “I” was in Gian Giorgio’s 1524 “I” and “J” were originally the same letter but different shapes both equally the same letter.

According to the history of the English Alphabet, the official and original sound of the letter “J” was the sound of “Y” in “yet” or “yellow”.

The very first English-language book to make clear distinction between the sound of “I” and the sound of “J” was not written until 1634. It wasn’t until then, after the 1611 Bible was published, that the English language officially accepted the shape and sound of the letter “J” as “jay” and no longer the “yuh” “Y” sound.

Anti-Muslim Hate in USA rises since 7 October 2023 but advocates praise community resilience. US Islamophobia ‘stands out for its enormity’ but movement for Palestinian rights is unprecedented in size and visibility.

Arafat Issa hangs Palestinian flags across a pedestrian bridge in Durham, North Carolina, almost every week. But on 28 July, a man in a baseball cap pulled out a knife and cut the flags down from the steel railing. Issa says the man cursed at him and his family before waving the knife in their direction. They had seven children, including Issa’s four-month-old daughter, with them.

“He told us: go back where you came from,” Issa says. “I was scared … it’s not like we were doing anything wrong. We were peacefully protesting.”

Issa is a 42-year-old Palestinian American barber who has lived in North Carolina for more than a decade. His parents and siblings are in the West Bank, where settler violence against Palestinians is escalating. His experience is one of many examples of anti-Palestinian and anti-Muslim hate documented by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair) since 7 October of last year. “We are seeing an uptick in violent vigilante response to peaceful pro-Palestinian protesters,” said Nicole Fauster-Bradford, the community advocacy director at Cair.

Advocates say the aftermath of 7 October in the US had echoes of the fear that followed 9/11, when the government expanded surveillance powers that were largely wielded against Muslim and Arab communities, and hate crimes against them surged.

“Islamophobia comes in cycles – often tied to something in the news,” says Corey Saylor, research and advocacy director at Cair. The last year, he continued, “stands out for its enormity” of anti-Muslim hate.

On the other hand, the last year has also seen a movement for Palestinian rights that is unprecedented in its size and visibility. “This is not the community that was subjected to payback after 9/11. It’s much stronger now,” says Saylor. “Early on, there was fear. I would say that’s completely morphed to resilience”

From January to June of this year, Cair vetted almost 5,000 complaints of alleged Islamophobia; that’s an increase of more than two-thirds compared to the same period the previous year. The volume of incidents was particularly bad in the immediate aftermath of 7 October. In the last three months of 2023, Cair received more than 3,500 complaints, an almost 180% increase in relation to the corresponding months in 2022.

Cair defines Islamophobia as a fear, hatred or prejudice towards Islam or Muslims perpetuated by people and institutions. Many of the incidents in the last year entailed anti-Palestinian censorship and discrimination; Cair says it counts these cases because anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian bias are often conflated. Experts note that anti-Muslim sentiment has actually its origins in anti-Palestinian discrimination: Arab Americans organizing for Palestine in the 1960s and 70s were spied on by the government and some of the country’s first anti-terrorism laws evolved as a response to Palestinian liberation struggles.

Among the most violent incidents of the last year were the fatal Chicago stabbing of six-year-old Wadea al-Fayoume and a Vermont shooting of three Palestinian college students that left one of them, 21-year-old Hisham Awartani, paralyzed. But far more common is what advocates view as the censorship and discipline of students and employees for being pro-Palestinian.

“Post 9/11 was more of the knee-jerk reaction: your typical bigot inside a grocery store targeting a Muslim hijabi. That’s reactionary, that’s the type of discrimination we were used to,” says Abed Ayoub, national executive director of the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee. The targeting of students and employees since 7 October feels systematic, he adds.

Of the almost 5,000 complaints Cair received in the first half of this year, it said 19% were related to immigration and asylum, 14% to employment discrimination, 10% to education discrimination and 8% were hate crimes and similar incidents. Cair says immigration cases – often involving people from Muslim-majority countries facing extra scrutiny – have long been the most common kinds of complaints they get.

What’s new is people being targeted at their schools and workplace “in a personal way that we’ve never seen before”, says Saylor. This can involve, for example, students and employees who get disciplined for social media posts supporting Palestine. Cair views these cases as discriminatory because, the group says, the rules are often enforced inconsistently, with workplaces and schools that send emails supportive of Israel punishing employees with different political opinions.

Palestine Legal, a non-profit that has filed more than a dozen complaints with the education department alleging anti-Palestinian discrimination, says the rules often go out the window when it comes to pro-Palestinian speech. “[Students are] being dragged through disciplinary hearings without any due process. They’re getting suspended before any conclusion has been made in their disciplinary hearing,” says Dima Khalidi, the organization’s founder and director.

Like Cair, Palestine Legal was flooded with cases in the three months following 7 October, when it received more than 1,000 requests in that time. (That’s four times more than the number of requests they received in all of 2022.) Both organizations note their tallies are likely undercounts.

Alongside these incidents, antisemitism has also been rising. FBI data released in September noted that anti-Jewish hate crimes increased by almost two-thirds in 2023, from 1,122 documented incidents to 1,832. It’s not immediately clear how many of those occurred after 7 October. The Anti-Defamation League has also recorded a surge in antisemitic incidents, but its data has been called into question for its conflation of antisemitism with criticism of Israel.

Advocates point to what they say is the normalization of rhetoric conflating Arab Americans with terrorism, a pattern that recalls the post-9/11 environment. Last month, the Republican senator John Kennedy repeatedly suggested, without evidence, that Maya Berry, the head of the Arab American Institute, supported Hamas and said that she should hide her “head in a bag”. That same month, the National Review ran a cartoon depicting the US congresswoman Rashida Tlaib with a detonating pager – days after such devices blew up across Lebanon in an operation targeting Hezbollah that has been widely attributed to Israel.

In the aftermath of 9/11, a slew of legislation justified law enforcement measures against Americans under the guise of fighting terrorism. While the environment after 7 October has not reached anywhere near that fever pitch, civil rights groups in the last year have found themselves pushing back against a number of efforts that they say conflate legitimate anti-war activity with terrorism. A coalition of more than 120 groups, including the ACLU, Amnesty International USA and Cair, recently issued an open letter warning against a measure that would that would strip non-profit status from groups considered to be supporting terrorism, which is widely seen as targeting pro-Palestinian student groups.

Ramzi Kassem, the co-director and founder of Clear, a legal non-profit and clinic at the City University of New York, says his organization has seen an increase of complaints in the last year from people who have been approached by the FBI and other agencies in relation to protest activities – through door knocks, at airports and borders, and when applying for immigration benefits. They are not only Palestinians, Arabs or Muslims, but also people of other backgrounds who support Palestinian rights and oppose current US and Israeli policies.

History shows that progressive movements challenging the status quo are often met with surveillance and disruption by US law enforcement, he says: “We saw that with the civil rights movement, the Vietnam war, the anti-apartheid movement and Black Lives Matter. We’re seeing that again now.”

But any hostility – whether from neighbors, school administrators, or decision-makers – does not seem to be dampening what has become a mass movement for Palestinian liberation. Weeks after Issa’s flags were cut down, on 22 August, he returned to the American Tobacco Trail Bridge with a friend. Another stranger approached them – this time, carrying a gun, Issa says. The two friends tried to follow the man to note down his license plate but retreated after he threatened to shoot them.

Issa called the police about both incidents but law enforcement has so far declined to pursue prosecution. In the meantime, Issa can’t imagine not protesting. He plans to go back to the bridge. “We have to support our family. It’s not safe but it’s not more dangerous than what they are living through,” he says. “We have to keep going. It’s our duty.”

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