How God’s Spirit Transforms us through the Feasts!

4 months ago

In this inspiring message, Dr. Mina reveals the deep spiritual transformation that takes place when the Spirit of God unites with our spirit, making us a new creation in Christ. He walks us through the powerful significance of the fall feasts, starting with the Feast of Trumpets, a divine wake-up call to repentance and renewal. Then comes the solemn Day of Atonement, where we are reminded of Christ’s sacrifice and the atoning work that unites us with Him. Finally, we celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, where streams of living water flow, symbolizing the abundant life Christ gives us for the rest of the year. Having been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the glorious light of God's kingdom, we rejoice in the transformation and abundant life we now have in Christ!

Music from #Uppbeat
License code: JRBNUISBSGSF

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