Brave Kid EXPOSES Shocking Truth Behind Woke Culture In Schools...Then His Dad Shows Up

7 hours ago

These nutjobs are marxist-communists, which is exactly why they were all assisting the deep-state genocide. They cheat in elections, BLM, also started by three self-confessed female marxists, two of whom are in prison for Buying Luxury Houses with the money donated by gullible fools. Like all socialists, they love spending the money of others. BLM web site had a manifesto pledge of "destroying the nuclear family", this is exactly why the "Trans" trojan horse also was focussed on destroying the nuclear family. This is straight out of the communist playbook, ideological subversion through the destruction of morality. Child trafficking is the new currency for the satanic new world order, as well as pedophilia, organ harvesting, and satanic ritual abuse. These communists have many skeletons in their closets, some probably quite literally.

There are many good people in the world who are gay, bisexual, tv/ts, but many cannot see the elephant in the room. The LGBTQ+ organisation is drenched in pedophilia, marxism, and I dare say satanism...there are plenty of pride banners showing the words "Church of Satan", and priDEMONth is an eyebrow raiser....the devil is in the details.

The Military is the only way to destroy the evil.


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