Fall To Pieces ~ Velvet Revolver

4 months ago

All Purpose File # 5

John B Wells - Ark Midnight 🕛 https://arkmidnight.com/stations/

Tom On Drums - Going Mobile / The Who~ Powder Finger - Neil Young, Like A Hurricane, etc. https://rumble.com/v5b2z7v-tom-on-drums-going-mobile-the-who-neil-young-powder-finger-like-a-hurricane.html

1.) Part 1 https://rumble.com/v22yb78--still-alive-part-1-welcome-back.html

2.) Part 2 https://rumble.com/v22yce0--still-alive-part-2-welcome-back-herqs.html

3.) Part 3 https://rumble.com/v22ydps-still-alive-part-3-welcome-back-herqs.html

4.) Part 4 https://rumble.com/v22yezm-still-alive-part-4-welcome-back-herqs.html

5.) Part 5 https://rumble.com/v22yfuq--still-alive-part-5-welcome-back-herqs.html

6.) Part 6 https://rumble.com/v22ygms--still-alive-part-6-welcome-back-herqs.html

7.) Part 7 https://rumble.com/v22yi5s-still-alive-part-7-welcome-back-herqs.html

Part 8 ) https://rumble.com/v22yja8-still-alive-part-9-welcome-back-heros.html

Part 9 ) https://rumble.com/v22yja8-still-alive-part-9-welcome-back-heros.html

Part 10 ) https://rumble.com/v22yk4c-still-alive-part-11-welcome-back-herqs.html

Part 11 ) https://rumble.com/v22ykxi-still-alive-part-12-welcome-back-herqs.html

Lauren BOEBERT Theatre Show https://youtube.com/shorts/n-s4xK8LWhU?si=zzeZyYcABX1rOq6r

Deadly / Occult COVID-19 Vaccine Lot #’s
Sent to only 13 States ?

13 states (what other number?) got the extra deadly nanoparticles injections, and the lot numbers of course were occult numbers.

Most deadly Pfizer lot number was EK9231 - again, 923 is one of the occult’s most magical numbers, in any order or inversion. They believe that on 9/23/2017, Nimrod’s 14 horcruxes finally reunited and their antichrist rose. Because of this, we see 923 in countless movies and nearly every Pixar movie (along with A113 - because this would all kick off on 3/11).

The second extra deadly lot number was Moderna 039K20A. Also K=11, and 1+1=2, giving us 392 or 923 again.

1.) UN Markings Guide - How to Read and Identify UN Packaging Codes


3.) The Home Page Of British Veterans shadowing Islamic Immigrants https://youtube.com/@funkyprepper?si=UaMNUMi_9FFVWB6J

4.) Carlos Castaneda Quotes :
Veterans Against Treason https://vetsagainsttreason.createaforum.com/index.php

1.) To be a warrior a man has to be, first of all, and rightfully so, keenly aware of his own death. But to be concerned with death would force any one of us to focus on the self and that would be debilitating. So the next thing one needs to be a warrior is detachment. The idea of imminent death, instead of becoming an obsession, becomes an indifference.
Now you must detach yourself; detach yourself from everything. Only the idea of death makes a man sufficiently detached so he is incapable of abandoning himself to anything. Only the idea of death makes a man sufficiently detached so he can't deny himself anything. A man of that sort, however, does not crave, for he has acquired a silent lust for life and for all things of life. He knows his death is stalking him and won't give him time to cling to anything, so he tries, without craving, all of everything.
Carlos Castaneda, A Separate Reality

Time To Burn 🔥 Down All The Masonic Temples - Grandpa Tom Editorial / Rant :

Trump Playing To A Bigger Audience

1.) Dr. John Trump ( The President’s Uncle worked closely with Nicolas Tesla.
Watch this video for some uncanny suggestions. https://youtu.be/TRg0NzMNucM?feature=shared

2.) Special Message For Josh Green Special Message For Hawaii Governor Josh Green

3.) ADRENOCHROME https://youtu.be/0CW9za9ZOC8?si=9IyIbAVheFlDJksj

( After I made this angry 😡 face video ) . Don’t make me use my angry 😡 face again … https://youtu.be/6oC16XvpIiY?si=M1jcy4P4BAeXnAb1

5.) Random Chatter : BREAKING: Now the number of children missing in Lahaina, Hawaii is now over 2000.

6.) Trumps Assassination in 2022 ? https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/10/q-phones-medbeds-trumps-assassination-casino-cyberattacks-ebs-horus-eye-and-more-video-3800088.html

Q Special Forces

1.) Clean Out Heros - https://rumble.com/v3d7o3a-specialobservations-cleanout-herqs.html

2.) Biden Inauguration Staged On 2 Different Days !!!


3.) MARCO POLO HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP GOLDMINE https://marcopolo501c3.substack.com/p/son-of-us-president-sues-marco-polo?utm_medium=email

Agents Of Disclosure :

4.) https://rumble.com/v3hsm6q-agents-of-disclosure-lessons-in-discernment-w-matthew-mournian.html

5.) Secret Shadow Government- https://throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/24/q-anon-learn-to-read-the-map/

6.) Crisis Actors Crisis Actors



The West Los Angeles

Posted in Citizen News
Most Underreported DEEP STATE SHIT SHOW LAND GRAB that I know of
This following statement comes from a tireless and meticulous civilian researcher who gets up in the morning and goes to bat everyday to expose the financial vampires feeding on the carcass of the West Los Angeles National Homeless And Disabled Volunteer Soldiers Home
If you can do anything about stopping this land grab and rampant theft of money from funds and property rights of land specifically deeded to Veterans long ago. It was over twice as big when it was first gifted for the express use of Housing and caring for Veterans.
Now they just leave the Veterans out on the street directly in front of the facility that is mandated to help them. I can’t even begin to understand it.
But Ryan Thompson, and Veterans Against Treason member Janelle Wolves and Fransisco Juarez sure as hell do.

Ryan Thompsons latest articles /
Subject: Third Request For Publicly Funded Final Illegal Megamall Plan Nobody Saw Yet
I, Veterans nor the rest of the Public that you charged us a few hundred thousand to a million in Public Funds for a two-day long "study" to objectively and independently determine how urgently disabled homeless Veterans desire a ~500,000 square foot megamall, at the Deeds-Restricted National Soldiers Home in Our Nation's Capital of Veteran homelessness, that is surrounded by retail like coffee shops, restaurants, cafes, cleaners, grocery stores and the like - have ever received that megamall (aka "Town Center") document; that you intend to feign is substantial basis for Mark Takano and Jon Tester to, once again, fraudulently legislate Amendments against disabled and homeless Veterans very soon - have yet to receive a copy of that "study" by the Urban Land Institute megamall lobby of private real estate interests; that you have determined is now a "Final" plan, in the meeting you ran thousands of miles away to hold with express intent to evade the Veterans you are paid to Serve, if not also Under Oath to Serve.
We are still urgently awaiting a copy of your criminally conspiratoral plan to Cause more Veteran homelessness, Veteran death, intense traffic and increase Taxes amid rampant inflation by privately assessing criminally laundered Deeds-Restricted Federal Land; despite Our persistent, written requests.
I also need you to promptly review that Conspiracy's shortlist of all Stake Holders the Urban Land Institute and VCOEB Declare it to be based upon and let us know if there are any retractions or changes to it - because as far as I am learning, it seems Robert Reynolds does not beleive he is a Stake Holder to that Criminal Conspiracy, Heidi Marston seems to think she never even met with ULI in such regard; and from what I can tell - the rest of the short list of this false disinformation called an objective independent study in the Los Angeles Times article Anthony Allman co-wrote for Publication on Veterans Day; appear to be VCOEB, the criminal developers desperate to profit from the deadly illegal megamall, the County seeking the laundered land for a Tax bump while demolishing the hospital lot for the General Public, the primary National Soldiers Home illegal land misuser University of Caliornia and the Vets Advocacy unregistered lobby created by the folks who gave birth to the deadliest Federal Land misuse Criminal Land Misuse Racket by defrauding the Federal Court, with a non-existent "settlement" it never heard of; that defrauded homeless Veterans out of the Judgment Orders against some of the Stake Holders, which those homeless Veterans lawfully won in their Federal Civil Rights case, as Adjudged two years prior.
So I sincerely think that for many upcoming reasons beyond your mandates to abide by Our Federal Public Laws and Consitutional Rights, which Official Federal Government Documents you began reviewing last week are a fraction of the proof you're overzealously breaking them with fraudulent intent - no matter how much you hate folks like me for sacrificing a fraction of what homeless Veteeans lose in life to hold you accountable no matter how much of Our Public Funds are misappropriated to unlawfully slander, detain and otherwise Cruelly and Unusually Punish us; I plead in an abundance of caution for you to send us that bullshit report now and start doing evem more things that may help keep you out of a tiny home in Our Federal Penitentiaries, or at least reduce the term of your lease in one that's been privatized...  Presuming there won't be any red flags in your record and you follow the rules.
P.S. - when you Criminally Conspire "workforce" rental housing, do you mean for the UCLA Medical Students and nurses VA is paying around $100,000.00 USD of Our Public Funds to, the 3,000 Graduate Students it developed "affordable housing" for on the stolen C+H Tract National Soldiers Home land or just any renter with a job?  Because I sure as hell know what will never be built without at least Criminal Convictions, could be for all the VA employees you plan to unlawfully terminate with the lives of disabled homeless Veterans to ensure a private developers Criminal Racket keeps its megamall consumers closeby to hit the multi-billion dollar profits overflowing their already stuffed pockets for at least 99-years.
Ryan Thompson

Prions In Beef 🥩 and Chicken 🐓


Prions have been found in contaminated ground beef for decades. Many have become violently ill or even died to due exposure to #prions. Prions lead to Mad Cow disease. Elizabeth Taylor contracted Mad Cow disease and later succumbed to that illness. What she lived with was a debilitating disease that severely disrupted her mental health and cognitive abilities. Prions cause tremors and all types of central nervous system disorders, they are closely linked to #KURU, aka the cannibal disease.

You realize what else is closely linked to the above diseases? MS and Parkinson’s disease; yes, also caused by exposure to PRIONS.

In order to cause a zombie-like apocalypse, you’d need to introduce prions into the food supply…


Here’s a piece of the puzzle I forgot to add. You know how there’s human meat on our ground meat supply? Well people with Kuru get Kuru from ingesting human spinal fluid. So, logic would say there’s has to be some kind of fall out from being exposed to human flesh as well, right? Well, that fallout comes in the form of prions.

Infectious agent

The term “prions” refers to abnormal, pathogenic agents that are transmissible and are able to induce abnormal folding of specific normal cellular proteins called prion proteins that are found most abundantly in the brain. The functions of these normal prion proteins are still not completely understood.

https://www.cdc.gov › prions
Prion Diseases - CDC

Prion diseases occur when normal prion protein, found on the surface of many cells, becomes abnormal and clump in the brain, causing brain damage. This abnormal accumulation of protein in the brain can cause memory impairment, personality changes, and difficulties with movement.

Symptoms of prion diseases include:

Rapidly developing dementia

Difficulty walking and changes in gait


Muscle stiffness



Difficulty speaking

Do these symptoms not sound like the beginning stages of a zombie apocalypse to you??? And what is it that Zombies eat Brains! Spinal fluid connects to the brain, correct?

Ladies and gentlemen, they were secretly telling you their plan all along…

Other diseases like Lou Gerhig’s disease, Epstein-Barr, Multiple Sclerosis, Dimentia and Parkinson’s all stem from exposure to Prions, mold and a host of other parasites found in infected animal or human tissue. Just as the Simpson’s video suggests: they’d take sick animals, grind them up and feed them to healthy animals, making those animals carriers of toxic prions and they are sent directly to food processing. This is no accident!

Last but not least I’d like to tell you of a TikTok video I saw last year. Video was of a manufacturing supervisor, turned whistleblower at a Chick-Fil-A facility. He was warning the public NOT to eat the next batch of chicken nuggets, because mice had entered the vats where they grind the chicken meat for nuggets. He brought it to management’s attention and they refused to destroy the nugget mixture. Following week, I saw advertisements everywhere Chick-Fil-A nuggets were on sale for 99 cents! From there I saw countless videos of people complaining about their chicken nuggets claiming they tasted “different ”, were strangely shaped and some even contained brown meat! Again, this was no mistake that got away from them. The manufacturing manager who made the video quit that day based on what he’d witnessed. I would have the video to show you but it was immediately removed from TikTok within minutes of posting.

Again, the elite know exactly what they’re doing and where this can lead to under the right circumstances.

Some may not believe it’s possible as of yet, but with prion exposure, 5 & 6G an an abundance of parasites in food supply and nanotechnology, the conditions become more favorable each day. I promise you this will all become much clearer as we move forward. It’s been said for years prions we’re also in the vaccine supply. How many vaxxed people have we witnessed suffering cognitive issues, changes in personality and those who are forgetful or more reactive now than rational, with temper flare-ups to downright erratic to insane behavior? We’ve witnessed these changes in family and friends who received the jab. We’d like you to know we created our “The Crazies” series having prion exposure of the vaccinated population in mind…

People’s congnitive abilities are dropping at alarming rate!


Monkey See < Monkey Do World

More and more blood, sex, lust, treason, theivery, murder, war, endless bad examples




See The Above ; The Difference ( differences appear minimal … ) between MF-59 and AS03



Generals dressing as women ?
Kay Griggs
Nazi <—-/> Freemasons



Anon Audio File 61

SGAnon discusses information pertaining to the dual-reality special_warfare scenario we are all living, and the many offshoots of the same, including a NATO UKR Invasion Prep, Yevgeny Prighozin's faked-death, and the deployment of US Mil Spec_Ops/Tribunal Vessels in the E. Mediterranean and Red Seas.

Time to show the world.

SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon

For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, or general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow 48hrs for an adequate response.

For further information on things Patriots can do to get involved everywhere, please see the links below:
*Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association: https://cspoa.org/
*How to Force Constitutional Grand Juries to convene and hear evidence about COVID-19, the US Election System, Agenda 2030, the WEF, and more: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-loc

Trump Playing To A Bigger Audience

1.) Dr. John Trump ( The President’s Uncle worked closely with Nicolas Tesla.
Watch this video for some uncanny suggestions. https://youtu.be/TRg0NzMNucM?feature=shared

2.) Special Message For Josh Green Special Message For Hawaii Governor Josh Green

3.) ADRENOCHROME https://youtu.be/0CW9za9ZOC8?si=9IyIbAVheFlDJksj

( After I made this angry 😡 face video ) . Don’t make me use my angry 😡 face again … https://youtu.be/6oC16XvpIiY?si=M1jcy4P4BAeXnAb1

5.) Random Chatter : BREAKING: Now the number of children missing in Lahaina, Hawaii is now over 2000.


1.) Michelle Obama has a dick. A ton of Hollywood movie 🎥 actresses are men. Jennifer Lopez,

2.) Victorias Secret 🤫 is that they are all men without or tiny penises with exaggerated sway when they walk.

3.) Obama Children are adopted or just for show. Obama’s chef died under mysterious circumstances.

4.) Tons of celebrities pretended to get vaccinated.

5.) Israel 🇮🇱 Hamas is false flag to retake Gaza Strip , extermination Of Palestinian people or to start WWlll to keep power or avoid tribunals for crimes against humanity.

Cloning Around ?

1.) Man sees his clone online. Turns “himself” in. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR78KH8b/

The Real Great Awakening And Other Explanations

World Events Unveiled: The CABAL's Defeat and the Looming Storm

The once-secretive ambitions of the CABAL deep state, particularly their grand design to use Ukraine as a pawn in a war against Russia and seize Moscow, have crumbled. Their objective, which aimed to capture Russia's vast resources, GDP, and a staggering 17.5 million tons of lithium reserves (a treasure trove coveted by the likes of BLACKROCK, CIA, MI6, MOSSAD, and the Deep State), has unraveled into failure.

What's more, their nefarious operations to orchestrate a world war, all while mainstream media sounds the alarm for World War III, are teetering on the edge of disaster. This scheme, driven by a staggering 1.2 trillion-dollar heist from taxpayers in the name of supporting Israel, is beginning to unravel.

The truth is that the U.S. finds itself in an economic quagmire, edging closer to financial collapse, with the capability to wage not one but three wars - against Russia, China, and the Middle East - practically non-existent.

The Ukraine war, contrary to Biden's public statements of Russian failure in capturing Kiev, is reaching its conclusion. Military assessments, war games, and the testimony of top-ranking Generals all point to the impending end of this conflict. Russia has secured the second-largest city in Ukraine, Kharkiv, and is steadily advancing westward, with Odessa on the horizon. European support for the U.S. and Ukraine war is waning rapidly.

This is why the deep state has hurriedly ignited another conflict in the Middle East - a desperate ploy for funding and money laundering, all in a frenzied bid to evade an impending storm of arrests by the U.S. Military.

In the Middle East, Turkey has made a seismic pivot away from U.S. NATO allies, engaging in troop movements and naval exercises. Notably, Turkey is demonstrating its ability to mobilize two million soldiers in emergency combat scenarios, sending shockwaves through the corridors of the CIA, MOSSAD, MI6, and the Davos elite.

Pakistan has aligned with Turkey, while China supports both nations, and Russia backs several Middle Eastern countries, including Syria and Palestine. Putin's declaration of support for Palestine further underscores the changing geopolitical landscape.

As it stands, the U.S. military is ill-equipped for ground warfare in Russia, China, or the Middle East, with a glaring absence of missiles and weapons. In contrast, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Turkey, bolstered by China and Russia, boast a formidable arsenal. Iran's missile capability, in particular, poses a colossal threat, with odds of 16 to 1 in favor of Iran in naval confrontations.

The outcome is clear: the U.S. military finds itself at its weakest point in a century, a fact echoed in all military assessments, war games, and projections.

Behind this tumultuous backdrop, the real World War III event looms on the horizon, set for late 2024. President Trump has unequivocally stated that only he can prevent this catastrophe, and the impending mega scare event, complete with a full-scale nuclear standoff, will be the crucible of exposure for the U.S. Military Industrial Complex (including the CIA, Obama, Bush, the Clintons, the Rockefellers, and more).

Everything is hurtling toward a colossal reckoning: from Biden and the Hunter laptop revelations (just the tip of the iceberg) to the stolen 2020 elections, the Epstein saga, the CIA-Pentagon-Fauci trifecta behind the pandemic and lethal vaccines, all the way to the Deep State's orchestration of world wars.

This was all foreseen, a narrative unspooling since the very beginning.

In these chaotic times, while the world appears on the precipice of World War III, it's crucial to remain calm. Yes, there will be skirmishes, nations picking sides, but as my previous communications have suggested, eventually, a sense of calm will prevail. Then, brace for a colossal, world-altering event, where nuclear bombs will remain dormant. The sole exception may be North Korea detonating a nuke over the ocean during the 2024 mega-massive scare event.

Join @Q17_Awakening


🌑 DARK WINTER: Unveiling a Web of Secrets 🌑

Get ready for a mind-bending journey into the depths of clandestine operations. DARK WINTER, a chilling simulation, was conducted to assess our leaders' response to a biological weapons attack, including the outbreak of deadly smallpox. The participants were top-tier, the stakes unimaginable.

🌀 Unmasking the Potential for Collapse 🌀

DARK WINTER exposes the harsh realities of spiraling stresses and the ominous specter of social and economic collapse during a public health crisis. It's a stark warning, painted in the darkest hues, about what could follow in the wake of such a catastrophe.

💡 Designed by Hidden Powers 💡

This enigmatic simulation was crafted by none other than the Johns Hopkins Center (formerly the Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies) and the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). But here's the kicker: the shadowy hands of the Rockefellers and Johns Hopkins extend far beyond this event.

🔍 A Disturbing Past 🔍

These same entities were implicated in the infamous Tuskegee experiments, a horrifying episode where African-American sharecroppers were left in the dark about their syphilis diagnoses and given placebos instead of treatment. The truth only emerged thanks to a courageous whistleblower.

🌐 Ties to the Elite 🌐

Here's where it gets even murkier: Research has revealed census records linking enslaved individuals to Johns Hopkins' residence in the 1840s and 1850s. Johns Hopkins himself was noted as a slaveholder.

🕰 A Dark Genesis in the 1950s 🕰

DARK WINTER has roots dating back to the 1950s, a time when Bohemian Grove elites held sway over the U.S. medical industry, world banking, and financed top scientific research programs worldwide, including China's Wuhan labs.

💀 From Cheney to Obama: The Bio-Weapons Saga 💀

From Dick Cheney's CIA funding of bio-weapons research in underground labs worldwide since 1992 to George W. Bush's green light for military operations and bio-weapons development targeting specific DNA genes, to Obama's funding of SARS projects and COVID's gain-of-function research in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, subsequently transferred to Wuhan in 2014-2015 – every step of this macabre journey was fueled by the Rockefeller conglomerates and the deep state industrial-military complex war machine.

📜 The Dark State's Coded Agenda 📜

In hushed tones among the elite, and buried in classified documents, was Operation DARKWINTER22, a chilling scenario involving nuclear fallout in 22 cities worldwide after the collapse of society and the economy following a catastrophic pandemic.

🕵️ Biden's Cryptic Mention 🕵️

Remember Biden's speech in 2020 when he uttered those haunting words: "DARK WINTER." It was a signal to the world's deep state operatives, a secret code to set their sinister operations in motion.

🌐 Germany's Ominous Warning 🌐

Today, Germany sounds the alarm about DARK WINTER, and other nations are beginning to murmur about it. It's no coincidence.

🚀 A World Secured 🚀

But don't be afraid. Thanks to the USSF, the World Alliance, and military operations emanating from Cheyenne Mountain, involving more than 30 nations (and counting), we have secured a world that won't descend into all-out nuclear war. The nuclear threat is just that – a threat.

🌌 Facing the Dark Winter Together 🌌

So, when the [DS] MSM starts pushing DARK WINTER worldwide, know that countermeasures have already been taken. It's all part of the game theory. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and remember – we're in this together.

Join @Q17_Awakening


🌐 The Deep State's G20 Power Unraveling 🌐

Hold onto your seats as the once-mighty Deep State's grip on G20 power begins to crumble, sending shockwaves through the international stage.

🌍 UN and NATO in Freefall 🌍

The UN and NATO, long dominated by deep state elites and their clandestine cabal, are teetering on the brink of collapse. Their iron grip on global operations is slipping, and here's why:

🔗 The Cabal Unmasked 🔗

The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, CIA, and their ilk, who have long orchestrated the G20's agenda, are now in a frenzy. Over 70% of African nations have turned their backs on their summit, and even more astonishingly, the President of China and CCP executives were glaringly absent.

🚨 Panic Engulfs the Global Elite 🚨

Deep State powerhouses, such as NATO, UN, CIA, MI6, and the G20, are in the throes of panic. Their intricate web of money laundering, woven through G20 nations, is fraying at the edges. Africa, a once-exploited resource haven, is slipping from their grasp as it aligns with Russia, China, and eagerly considers BRICS' invitation.

💉 Unveiling the Vaccine Conspiracy 💉

As panic takes hold, a colossal vaccine exposé is underway. Congress is delving deep into Fauci's ties to the CIA and vaccine production, launching covert investigations. Simultaneously, Trump has thrown his weight behind exposing vaccines and lockdowns, shining a glaring spotlight on the issue.

🗳 The Future of Elections in Doubt 🗳

The military brass are keenly aware that the 2024 elections are hanging by a thread. A reckoning for the Plandemic is on the horizon, with Trump poised to testify at military tribunals. His revelations will trace the sinister trail from the first batches of fake vaccines and saline placebos to Pfizer's suspiciously timed release of deadly vaccines.

⚖️ Connecting the Dots in Military Tribunals ⚖️

The imminent military tribunals promise to unearth a trove of dark secrets. They will delve into the JFK assassination, DARPA's shadowy operations, the global drug trade, human trafficking, and worldwide money laundering schemes involving Ukraine, Israel, the EU, and more. The web extends to Epstein's twisted world of blackmail and adrenochrome operations, implicating elites, governments, Hollywood, influencers, and stars. It all connects to the CIA and DARPA, who nurtured Facebook, Google, YouTube, and manipulated global media through Operation Mockingbird.

🌐 A Global Tapestry of Deceit 🌐

As the CIA unravels, a global narrative takes shape. The left is awakening worldwide, shedding their illusions and embracing the truth. The world's complex tapestry of control, manipulation, and deceit, from viruses to vaccines, digital currencies to elite puppetry, is being unveiled.

🌍 Together We Stand, WWG1WGA 🌍

Now is the time for unity. People from all corners of the globe are rising, united in their pursuit of truth, justice, and freedom. Together, we shall overcome.

#DeepStateCollapse #VaccineExposé #MilitaryTribunals #EpsteinRevelations #WWG1WGA

Join @Q17_Awakening


"A Shocking Revelation: Unveiling the 1969 Message They Don't Want You to Hear"

📽 Unlocking the Past: A 1969 Message That Still Resonates 🕰

Prepare to be riveted by a video that time forgot but is more pertinent than ever. In this remarkable footage from 1969, the indomitable Mr. G. Edward Griffin unveils a truth that certain groups are endeavoring to suppress once again.

🌐 A Timeless Message 🌐

G. Edward Griffin's words from over five decades ago resonate with astonishing relevance today. He fearlessly exposes the machinations of select groups, laying bare their hidden agendas. What's startling is how these very agendas continue to shape our world.

🚫 Antifa & BLM's Worst Nightmare 🚫

This is the video Antifa and BLM hoped you'd never see. It's the kind of truth that strikes at the heart of their narratives. It challenges the status quo and sends shockwaves through the established order.

🌟 A Wake-Up Call for Our Times 🌟

As you watch, remember that the past often holds the keys to the present. Griffin's insights serve as a timeless wake-up call, a stark reminder that the struggle for truth and justice is an enduring one.

🔍 Uncover the Truth 🔍

It's time to revisit this remarkable footage and rekindle the spirit of inquiry. In a world where certain groups seek to control narratives, let us arm ourselves with knowledge. Knowledge is power, and in this electrifying video, it's a power that refuses to be extinguished.

Join @Q17_Awakening


"The Awakening Storm: Humanity's Defining Moment"

🌍🔥 Brace yourselves for a world in tumult! The impending collapse of banks and the eruption of global riots appear to be the catalysts for a grand military intervention.

🌟 A Path to Revelation:

What lies ahead is nothing short of a revelation, a thundering awakening from the slumber induced by the Mockingbird's lullabies. These events, seemingly chaotic and dire, are the crucible in which humanity's resolve will be tested, and its quest for freedom will burn brightly.

💥 The Awakening Unfolds:

As the first tremors of this awakening reverberate, a chorus of dissent is rising. Millions who once embraced vaccines are now questioning their safety, while climate activists sense an underlying agenda. Liberals are peering behind the curtain, glimpsing the CIA's puppetry, and billions are united against the war in Ukraine. The mighty NATO, once unassailable, now teeters on the brink of collapse, and the CIA's covert operations stand exposed on the world stage.

🙏 A Call to Patriots:

Patriots, hold fast to your faith, for in these turbulent times, the beacon of hope remains. It's crystal clear: the path to salvation winds through the resolute halls of our military.

🌌 The Military: Our Guiding Light:

As we navigate this tempest, remember that the military is our steadfast ally, our guiding star in these uncharted waters. When all seems lost, it is the military that will stand tall, illuminating the path to redemption and freedom.

🔗 A United Front:

In the end, let it be said that humanity, in its darkest hour, united in a symphony of resilience and determination. This is our defining moment, our clarion call to break free from the shackles of complacency, and our proclamation to the world that we shall not yield to the machinations of the powerful.

The storm is upon us, and as it rages, we shall emerge stronger, wiser, and free.

Join @Q17_Awakening


"Unveiling the Triumph Over the U.S. Globalist CABAL Regimen"

A groundbreaking moment unfolded when over 100,000,000 viewers tuned in to Tucker Carlson's broadcast - that's more than 200 times the reach of most mainstream media networks, each of which typically hovers around the 500,000 mark. Tucker masterfully exposed the layers of corruption within the FBI, CIA, Pentagon's concealment of UFO technology (a revelation from a brave Pentagon whistleblower, sadly unreported by mainstream media), and the insidious weaponization of the media against the people. In a single evening, he touched on multiple issues that resonated with a staggering 100 million viewers!

BLACKROCK, VANGUARD, JP Morgan Chase - these financial giants have been witnessing a consistent decline in shares and earnings over the past three years, despite attempts to conjure up fake financial reports. The impending collapse of BLACKROCK looms large, threatening a seismic impact within the financial sector.

Even the largest beer corporation in the U.S. is toppling, its demise accelerated by its ill-fated foray into WOKE, LGBTQ, and TRANS agendas. This should serve as a stark reminder of the deceptive facade propagated by mainstream media. Contrary to their inflated numbers, the WOKE/LGBTQ/trans/democratic/ANTIFA/elitist movements lack the clout they purport to have. Notably, Starbucks has initiated a retreat, removing rainbow-colored signage from its products and shuttering stores across the globe. Their anxiety hints at an imminent corporate collapse.

The United Kingdom has taken a significant step by banning all puberty blockers across the country. This move is noteworthy as the transgender ideology, dating back to the 60s, was originally crafted by MI6, an organization with high-ranking members in the Bohemian Grove. White Hats have penetrated MI6 extensively since 2008, and sleepers are gradually awakening. Anticipate MI6 whistleblowers to step forward in the coming months, exposing corruption at the highest echelons.

Meanwhile, in the realm of politics, Trump is surging ahead in the presidential race. Despite the relentless efforts of the CIA-controlled Mockingbird Media and the Biden administration, which is a puppet of the Obama CIA, to dismantle Trump's legacy, the opposite effect is manifesting. Trump's influence continues to grow, and an increasing number of Americans are awakening to the corruption within the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and the broader U.S. government. Even prominent Democrats are beginning to turn on Biden, foreseeing impending indictments as a weaponization of the U.S. system against Trump, patriots, and Republicans.

Now, let's address the QAnon phenomenon. While some have called it a federal psyop, it's more intricate than that. QAnon has undeniably been infiltrated by White Hats, working from within the FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA, with the mission to dismantle the deep state CIA/FBI regime. QAnon played a pivotal role in bringing the Epstein scandal to light, opening the world's eyes to the horrors of pedophilia and human trafficking linked to the likes of Obama and the Clintons (CIA/FBI). It was QAnon that sparked the Great Awakening - a global phenomenon with the rallying cry of WWG1WGA (Where We Go One, We Go All).

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🌍 Unmasking Epstein and Maxwell: The Global Web of Deceit🌍

Epstein and Maxwell, cunning operatives with affiliations in the shadows - CIA, Mossad, MI6, triple agents, ensnaring the world's elite into their sinister web of blackmail. They funneled human trafficking operations through the Clinton Foundation, leveraging the Rothschild estate and intertwining connections with the Rockefellers, Gates, and vaccine giants, among others.

🕵️ Masters of Manipulation*🕵️

These two malevolent figures, Epstein and Maxwell, exploited their power to entangle high-ranking officials, military leaders, entertainment magnates, and scientific luminaries in a web of sexual pedophilia setups, death threats, bribes, and insidious coercion, all orchestrated through the CIA's MKUltra mind control projects.

🌐 The Devil's Consortium 🌐

Fueled by the shadowy DAVOS Group and the UN, Maxwell established a façade—an ostensible environmental nonprofit called The TerraMar Project—granting her quasi-sovereign immunity over a fictional oceanic domain. This granted her access to submarines and unrestricted global travel, even subterranean bases.

🌎 Exposing the Deep State Cabal🌎

The revelations about Epstein, triggered by Q and delivered through White Hat military channels, spurred the Great Awakening—an awakening of over a billion individuals to the deep state's grip on tyrannical governments, orchestrated world cover-ups, and high-level human trafficking networks. All woven into the fabric of a fabricated pandemic (the "Plandemic") and bioweapon releases meant to sow chaos and confusion.

🌟 Crimes Against Humanity 🌟

Epstein and Maxwell unwittingly set in motion a global cataclysm—a world war, with a looming nuclear standoff. The countless deaths stemming from COVID-19 (SARS II) bioweapon releases and impending vaccine bioweapon fatalities underscore the magnitude of their actions.

🔮 A New Dawn After the Near-Death Civilization Event 🔮

The world will emerge from the near-death civilization event forever changed. The slumbering masses will never again be soothed by the lullabies of the deep state cabal. This is the era of The Great Awakening.

📜 The Unveiling of the Cabal's Demise 📜

Sometimes, you can't simply tell the truth to the public. You must show them. Only then will people summon the will to initiate change. Crimes against children transcend party lines, uniting all of humanity, even when truths are agonizing to accept.

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🌍 Ukraine: A Tale of Plunder and Intrigue🌍

Since 2012, Ukraine has been a pawn in George Soros's grand game, with the Davos Group and Obama as his backers, along with the UN, NATO, and the CIA. These are the same individuals who orchestrated the pandemic and championed vaccine companies while suppressing vaccine-related fatalities through their grip on Big Tech and mainstream media.

In 2014, the Deep State conjured a CIA playbook Color Revolution in Ukraine, cynically employing students as the foot soldiers in their coup. From then on, Ukraine has been a victim of resource robbery. Here's a jaw-dropping list of what UN, Davos Group subsidiaries, the Clintons, and Biden have looted from Ukraine and laundered—a staggering 7 trillion dollars—through the Ukrainian government:

🌟 Resource Riches🌟
- Europe's top uranium ore reserves.
- Second in Europe and tenth globally for titanium ore.
- Second globally for manganese ore reserves (12% of global reserves).
- Second-largest iron ore reserves on Earth (30 billion tons).
- Second in Europe for mercury ore reserves.
- Third in Europe (13th globally) for shale gas reserves (22 trillion cubic meters).
- Fourth globally in total natural resource value.
- Seventh globally in coal reserves (33.9 billion tons).

🌾 Agricultural Dominance 🌾
- Europe's top arable land area.
- Third globally in black soil area (25% of the world's total).
- World leader in sunflower and sunflower oil exports.
- Second in the world for barley production, fourth for barley exports.
- Third largest global corn producer and fourth largest exporter.
- Fourth biggest potato producer worldwide.
- Fifth largest rye producer globally.
- Fifth in bee production worldwide (75,000 tons).
- Eighth in wheat exports globally.
- Ninth in chicken egg production worldwide.
- Sixteenth in cheese exports worldwide.

Ukraine can feed a staggering 600 million people.

🏭 Industrial Strength 🏭
- Europe's top ammonia producer.
- Second in Europe and fourth globally for natural gas pipeline infrastructure.
- Third in Europe and eighth worldwide for nuclear power plant capacity.
- Third in Europe and eleventh worldwide for rail network length (21,700 km).
- Third in the world (after the U.S. and France) for locator and locating equipment production.
- Third largest global iron exporter.
- Fourth largest worldwide turbine exporter for nuclear power plants.
- Fourth globally in rocket launcher production.
- Fourth worldwide in clay exports.
- Fourth in titanium exports globally.
- Eighth in global exports of ores and concentrates.
- Ninth in global exports of defense industry products.
- Tenth largest steel producer globally (32.4 million tons).

Ukraine has been transformed into Europe's prime money laundering network courtesy of the Clintons and Obama, and its human trafficking network is the largest in the continent. Unfortunately, these activities often go uninvestigated during times of conflict, such as the ongoing eight-year proxy war in Ukraine.

⚖️ CABLES: Volodymyr Zelenskyy ⚖️
Ukraine's President Zelenskyy was initially installed by Soros, Davos, Obama, and the Deep State. However, in 2019, Putin and the White Hats turned the tables by flipping him, with a purported payment of 8 billion.

The current conflict in Ukraine had been set in motion long before, pitting the Ukrainian leader against Russia.

😔 A Tragic Reality 😔
Millions of innocent lives are tragically lost in wars, proxy wars, and staged conflicts. Additionally, the war on civilization, with the engineered bioweapon COVID-19 and its subsequent release of frozen spike proteins into cities worldwide, has inflicted immeasurable harm.

Remember, while the news may be manufactured, the suffering in these conflicts is all too real.

🌐 Q 🌐

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🌟 NESARA / GESARA: The Dawn of a New World 🌟

"The End of Poverty, The End of Debt, The Beginning of a New Golden Age!"
Prepare for a world where poverty, hunger, and debt are relics of the past, replaced by global prosperity and lasting peace for all!

💥 NESARA Joins Forces with GESARA 💥

In a monumental shift, NESARA, a comprehensive economic reform plan for the United States, has united its destiny with GESARA, its global counterpart. This momentous announcement heralds a profound transformation that will impact not only the United States but also a coalition of 206 sovereign nations worldwide. The linchpin of this transformation is the new financial system enshrined within GESARA.

🌍 A Global Gold-Standard Monetary System 🌍

Once GESARA takes center stage, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will declare the inception of a "global gold-standard monetary system." In this new era, all remaining fiat currencies will be exchanged for gold-backed currency, a significant step away from paper money. The march toward digital currencies will gain momentum under this revitalized financial system.

📈 A Transition Rooted in Simplicity 📈

To ensure a seamless transition, meticulous preparations have been made. The new financial system has been operational for months, securely hosted on a quantum server impervious to hacking or unauthorized access. Crucially, wealth proliferation is a cornerstone of this transformation. Newly minted wealth holders are more inclined to contribute to humanitarian efforts, ultimately fostering wealth for all.

📊 Wealth-Building Mechanisms 📊

This transformation might witness a shortage of skilled workers, which, paradoxically, is a wealth-building catalyst. The resulting surge in wages and salaries counterbalances the price drop stemming from tax reductions, sometimes up to 80% of final product costs, thus ushering in deflation. Lower energy costs, thanks to free-energy technologies, further contribute to this financial renaissance.

🌄 The Future: A Glorious Reality 🌄

Our future is poised to be a grand tapestry of innovation and abundance. Technologies once suppressed by the cabal, some dating back centuries, are finally being unleashed. For instance, the pristine waters of Antarctica will revitalize arid regions and infuse life into all flora and fauna. A world with personalized credit cards, Replicators that produce everything, and newfound awareness of the power of the mind to manifest our desires awaits. Real healthcare capable of rejuvenating our bodies, regrowing limbs or organs, and even reversing the aging process by decades is on the horizon.

💰 Liberation from Financial Chains 💰

Money and traditional banking, tools historically employed by the cabal to manipulate and control us within a debt-based economy, are slated for obsolescence. Coinage, however, will endure. With the elimination of national debts globally, taxes will be lowered for individuals and corporations. Instead, a flat sales tax of approximately 15% on new items will be implemented.

🏰 The Dissolution of the Global Elite's Pyramid 🏰

The current pyramid structure dominated by the global elite, governments, and corporations has reached its limit. This structure perpetuates class divisions and scarcity. True spiritual evolution arises when one's identity transcends material attachments. With the advent of free energy, advanced transportation, and Replicators accessible to all, true equality emerges. No one will be enslaved, people will pursue their passions with ample free time for reflection and creativity. Hoarding becomes unnecessary.

🚀 A Vision of Advanced Civilization 🚀

In advanced civilizations, concerns about food, shelter, and transportation are relics of the past. As NESARA and GESARA unfurl, we stand on the brink of a world where prosperity, freedom, and innovation thrive, and the human spirit soars unburdened by material concerns.

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🔥 Brace Yourself for the Unprecedented Clash 🔥

In a historic convergence, a multitude of truth-bearers rise from various realms – Truthers, podcasters, righteous corporations, doctors, lawyers, whistleblowers, senators, Congress members, actors, musicians, and more. This eclectic symphony is orchestrating an assault on the mainstream narrative, leaving the deep state reeling in a whirlwind of uncertainty.

💣💡 Truth Warriors: Lighting the Path to Victory 💡💣

YOU are the embodiment of the plan, the embodiment of truth. YOU stand as a powerful force in an epic battle to dismantle the sinister stranglehold of the CIA, MI6, and the entire deep state machinery.

🛡🚀 The Hidden Keys to Unveil Humanity's Destiny 🚀🛡

Behind the curtains, within the hallowed halls of USSF and Cheyenne Mountains, lie the enigmatic keys that unlock the knowledge of humanity. These keys are the linchpin of white hat operations, connecting nations like Russia, China, India, and the Middle East. A sacred knowledge linked to the promise of a Golden Age.

⚡️🌀 Unlocking Mysteries: From Time Machines to Infinite Energy 🌀⚡️

Marvel at the mysteries that unfold – how did the U.S. Naval create time machines? What was the catalyst that allowed Tesla to unravel the enigma? How did Donald Trump align with the realms of Zero Point Energy, Tesla Energy, and Infinite Energy?

🌟🧬 Unraveling the Great Awakening Within 🧬🌟

Contemplate the Great Awakening – an awakening embedded in your DNA. Echoes of Infinite Energy resonate through time and space, beckoning us to explore the boundless power within ourselves. How did the enlightened masters, including Jesus, tap into this cosmic wellspring? How did they conquer death and harness the limitless life force?

🌀🌌 The Dream Unveiled: Unraveling the Matrix 🌌🌀

Step into the matrix of reality within reality – the enigma of Q. As the fabric of the universe trembles, the true nature of alien disclosure is poised to shake the world in 2024. Peer beneath the surface, and glimpse the concealed technological wonders set to break free in 2025.

⚔️🌎 The Journey Begins: Trump's Call to Action 🌎⚔️

As the dawn breaks on this new era, remember, we've only just begun. The clarion call of Trump resonates – a rallying cry for unity, truth, and justice.

🛡💫 Embrace the Unseen: The Revelation Awaits 💫🛡

Gird yourselves, for the battles ahead may be fierce. Yet within each of you lies more than you know – an untapped wellspring of power, courage, and truth. Unite, stand strong, and together we shall unveil the mysteries, topple the deceptions, and carve a path to an enlightened future.

🌌💥 The Awakening is Now – Embrace Your Role 💥🌌

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🔥 Brace Yourself for the Unprecedented Clash 🔥

In a historic convergence, a multitude of truth-bearers rise from various realms – Truthers, podcasters, righteous corporations, doctors, lawyers, whistleblowers, senators, Congress members, actors, musicians, and more. This eclectic symphony is orchestrating an assault on the mainstream narrative, leaving the deep state reeling in a whirlwind of uncertainty.

💣💡 Truth Warriors: Lighting the Path to Victory 💡💣

YOU are the embodiment of the plan, the embodiment of truth. YOU stand as a powerful force in an epic battle to dismantle the sinister stranglehold of the CIA, MI6, and the entire deep state machinery.

🛡🚀 The Hidden Keys to Unveil Humanity's Destiny 🚀🛡

Behind the curtains, within the hallowed halls of USSF and Cheyenne Mountains, lie the enigmatic keys that unlock the knowledge of humanity. These keys are the linchpin of white hat operations, connecting nations like Russia, China, India, and the Middle East. A sacred knowledge linked to the promise of a Golden Age.

⚡️🌀 Unlocking Mysteries: From Time Machines to Infinite Energy 🌀⚡️

Marvel at the mysteries that unfold – how did the U.S. Naval create time machines? What was the catalyst that allowed Tesla to unravel the enigma? How did Donald Trump align with the realms of Zero Point Energy, Tesla Energy, and Infinite Energy?

🌟🧬 Unraveling the Great Awakening Within 🧬🌟

Contemplate the Great Awakening – an awakening embedded in your DNA. Echoes of Infinite Energy resonate through time and space, beckoning us to explore the boundless power within ourselves. How did the enlightened masters, including Jesus, tap into this cosmic wellspring? How did they conquer death and harness the limitless life force?

🌀🌌 The Dream Unveiled: Unraveling the Matrix 🌌🌀

Step into the matrix of reality within reality – the enigma of Q. As the fabric of the universe trembles, the true nature of alien disclosure is poised to shake the world in 2024. Peer beneath the surface, and glimpse the concealed technological wonders set to break free in 2025.

⚔️🌎 The Journey Begins: Trump's Call to Action 🌎⚔️

As the dawn breaks on this new era, remember, we've only just begun. The clarion call of Trump resonates – a rallying cry for unity, truth, and justice.

🛡💫 Embrace the Unseen: The Revelation Awaits 💫🛡

Gird yourselves, for the battles ahead may be fierce. Yet within each of you lies more than you know – an untapped wellspring of power, courage, and truth. Unite, stand strong, and together we shall unveil the mysteries, topple the deceptions, and carve a path to an enlightened future.

🌌💥 The Awakening is Now – Embrace Your Role 💥🌌

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🚀🔐 Brace Yourself for the Revelation 🚀🔐

Hold onto your seats as one of the most powerful figures in the United States, RFKJR, steps onto the stage to confirm what many thought was far-fetched. This legal powerhouse has taken on the government, corporations, and Big Pharma, emerging victorious in the majority of cases. Armed with evidence, high-power lawyers, and connections to top-tier institutions, RFKJR now ignites the storm of truth.

🌟🔎 Validation of the Unseen: RFKJR Breaks the Silence 🌟🔎

Prepare for a paradigm shift as RFKJR validates the very DROPS that have circulated for years. His disclosure campaign unravels the web of secrecy, shedding light on hidden truths that have been long overlooked.

🔮🔍 A Glimpse into the Vault of Secrets 🔍🔮

RFKJR's confirmation unlocks a vault of long-standing DROPS, shattering the narrative woven by the mainstream. Facts that were dismissed as mere conspiracy emerge as a startling reality.

💥🌐 The Tangled Web Unveiled 🌐💥

Revealed in the open is the Project for the New American Century, a deep state creation that granted military powers the ability to forge bioweapons targeting specific ethnic groups worldwide. The Patriot Act's powers come into focus, enabling surveillance over the American people, eroding constitutional rights, and facilitating deep state operations.

🔬🌍 Uncovering Bioweapon Secrets and Global Machinations 🌍🔬

RFKJR unveils the Pentagon's funding of Fauci's Gain of Function research, providing startling insight into the origins of the COVID virus. The truth behind illegal U.S.-controlled bioweapon labs in Ukraine is laid bare. A trail of overthrown nations and CIA-engineered coups exposes a web of global manipulation.

🌍💥 World-Changing Deceptions Unearthed 💥🌍

RFKJR's revelations encompass the intentional creation of the Ukraine war to destabilize Russia, the deceit behind NATO's agreements, and the orchestrated attack on Iraq. The truth behind the Anthrax attack on Congress, attributed to the deep state, is brought into the spotlight.

🔥🔐 The Revelation Unveils an Unseen Battle 🔐🔥

RFKJR's disclosure reveals a broader strategy at play, where influential figures like Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, and Joe Rogan are unwittingly guided by white hats' military psychological operations. This operation, rooted in modern warfare tactics and Game Theory, stands as a testament to strategic brilliance.

🌌🕊 Emerging from the Fog of War 🕊🌌

A complex tapestry of influencers, from Candace Owens to Alex Jones, comes into focus. These seemingly diverse voices, guided by white hats' unseen hand, converge to form a united front against the cabal's grip. A long-orchestrated plan begins to unfold.

🌐🔓 United We Stand: The Rise of Truth 🌐🔓

As RFKJR steps forward, backed by undeniable evidence, the DROPS transform from mere whispers into a crescendo of truth. The narrative shifts, and a united movement emerges from the chaos. Follow the white rabbit towards transparency, justice, and a world unburdened by deception.

🌪💥 Unleashing the Storm of Revelation 💥🌪

Amidst the tempest of revelation, remember that truth is the compass that guides us. With RFKJR's confirmation, the world takes a step closer to reclaiming its essence. Buckle up, stand united, and welcome an era where the power of truth prevails. WWG1WGA – the plan to save the world.

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🔥🌐 "The World on Fire: Unveiling the Deep State's Chaotic Web" 🌐🔥

🔌💥 "Channels, Cables, and Wires Ignite: The Unraveling Truth" 💥🔌

>Amidst the blazing inferno in Hawaii, a Massive False Flag Event unfolds, utilizing Direced Energy Weapons, lives lost as pawns in a sinister game.

🚨🔥🌪 A Warning Ignored: The Deep State Unleashes Their Plot 🌪🔥🚨

The writing has been on the wall, the ominous Deep State agenda unfolding. [They] capitalize on the Fake Climate Change Agenda to orchestrate False Flag Operations—welcome to the era of "Global Boiling." Unmasking the manipulation of temperature records as a massive PsyOps, with the truth that only 150 years of data exists in a history spanning 4.5 billion years. As we speak, major platforms like Google, Yahoo, and state weather records in blue states and the EU tamper with the past 30 years of weather records.

🔓⚔️ The Countdown to Revelation: Epstein, Trafficking, and World Governments' Corruption ⚔️🔓

As the imminent Epstein release approaches, a reckoning for the global child sex trafficking network draws near. The veil lifts, exposing the grim reality behind the virus creation, deadly vaccines, and the web of corruption ensnaring world governments. The [DS] trembles, sensing the looming military operations closing in, their Ukraine war support wanes, and Africa sparks a revolution against CIA [DS] control. A fiat collapse looms, global banks teeter on the edge, and the planned Alien Invasion shifts as [They] scramble in panic.

💣🌊 Unleashing Chaos: Deep State's Last-Ditch Effort 🌊💣

With mounting desperation, the Deep State deploys weather weapons, direct energy tools, and tectonic weapons in a frantic bid to reshape the news cycle and fast-track Agenda 2030. Panic reigns within their ranks as [They] try to survive the approaching storm. In Congress, the tides shift as monumental moves for September's M.O.A.B announcements and exposure of the Biden Crime Family, intertwined with the Fauci expose, gain momentum.

🔒⚖️ A Military Coup on the Horizon: Uniting U.S. Commanders ⚖️🔒

An impending reckoning surfaces as U.S. Commanders step forward in 2024, unveiling a Military Coup that connects every thread. Ron Johnson, Tom Cotton, Rand Paul, and Jim Jordan, equipped with classified briefings, converge in pursuit of exposing the Crime of the Century—the PLANDEMIC. In the midst of the chaos, a massive explosion plot looms, orchestrated by the CIA Deep State to lay blame on Trump supporters, rekindling concerns over the 30,000 tons of missing ammonium nitrate.

🛡🌪 Amidst the Storm: Hold on to Faith, Hope, and Courage 🌪🛡

We find ourselves on the battleground of an unprecedented war, an 8-year storm, where unwavering faith, hope, and courage are our guiding lights. Let's stay vigilant, united, and prepared, for this is the final war to end all wars.

🔥🌏 "The Time of Fire: Unmasking the Deep State's Inferno" 🌏🔥

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Winged Planet

1.) October 19,2023 https://youtu.be/1JyUPyN4o8Q?si=Rpx7jxWY4jq1dFrM

2.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8hvLWop/

3.) NASA Views Object Near Sun


4.) Fake Sun ☀️ In The Clouds https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8k17rgR/

Admiral Richard Byrd & Operation High Jump

Claims he saw an underground city. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR7D3x5s/

AGARTHA - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR7D3x5s/

Secret Journal ( Part 1 ) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR7Dsgo9/

( Part 2 ) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR7DtQnW/

( Part 3 ) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR7DgsJW/

Richard E. Byrd | American Polar Explorer & Aviator | Britannica







The Donald Marshall Show: Episode II - Vril & Body Snatching

A 'remix' of every interview and taping of the #1 whistleblower, Donald Marshall.

The recordings span 4 years ('12-'16), but DM is still regularly REM abducted and cloning centers are fully operational








Obama, as an Illinois Senator, helped negotiate a deal to build a level-3 bio-safety lab in the Ukrainian city of Odessa. Former Senator Dick Lugar & Obama also helped coordinate efforts between the U.S & Ukrainian researchers.

Georgia's Biolab Lugar center named after Richard Lugar. In 2013, Lugar to receive nation’s highest civilian honor from President Obama.




Putin: Coronavirus was part of the biological weapons program in Ukraine




🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦BIOWEAPON LABS🇺🇸 ☣️🇺🇦
⚡️PART 2 >>> 2023 <<<
⚡️PART 1 (2022)

⚔ 🇷🇺 ForwardRussia 🇷🇺 ⚔





in ALLIANCE with

Rich Little Impersonating Joe Biden - https://fb.watch/lZ2y89kc4R/?mibextid=v7YzmG

White Hat Treason


MEAT GRINDER - The number of graves doubled over the past month

Thats the Meat Grinder reality!
U.S. Harvesting CHILDRENS Organs In Ukraine. Why Western FASCIST Mercenaries Fight For Ukraine = ISRAEL


THE PRICE OF UKRAINIAN ORGANS - Black transplantation flourishes in Ukraine


⚔ 🇷🇺ForwardRussia 🇷🇺 ⚔



Russians Making Fun 🤩 of Biden Crime Family


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