Dr. Sabine Hazan: We need to demand of our agencies to have clean food

3 days ago

"But here's the wake-up call now that says, we need to demand of our agencies to have clean food. We need the demand of our agencies to test these yogurts. We need the demand of our government to test these products. If it says Bifidobacteria, it needs to have Bifidobacteria.

I'm not the government. That's not my job. My job was to do the research. I showcased something that's really important. 16 out of 17 probiotics on the market have fake labels. 23 out of 26. Products with probiotics on the market have fake labels. They're fake. There's no Bifidobacteria in there.

It's up to the government. It's up to the agencies to step it up and say, you know, we're gonna start testing the product. Stop testing the paperwork. You know, I've been in the clinical trial business for years and almost three decades or three decades. And I gotta tell you, you know, the one thing the FDA always looks at is the paperwork.

Stop looking at the paperwork, hire an independent lab to test the product. How do I know what's in that product? The FDA needs to know they have the right formula. They need to test that. And they need to retest it once it's in the market.

Because here's the problem. A lot of products do great in the research and clinical trials. And then they get to the market and it's a substandard product and we're having complications. What happened from the clinical trials to the market the product change, the transportation change, the temperature change of these products, you know? Is that why these products are no longer working?"

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