Blindspot 131 BRICS & the re-Provincialisation of the West; Gruesome war for Greater Israel

5 hours ago

Blindspot 131 - BRICS & the re-Provincialisation of Club Western World

Buiteboer // From Bunker 42

The art of saying nothing - White House SPX on BRICS
Evolution of the BRICS
Russian chair ship of BRICS priorities - 2024
Medvedev on the eve of the BRICS Summit
The one flaw of the BRICS =lack of institutionalisation, or a centralised organisational structure

Medvedev on the eve of the BRICS Summit

On the eve of the 16th BRICS Summit
Remember: "... there can be no alliance between Russia and the West, neither for the sake of interests nor principles; that there is not a single interest in the West, not a single aspiration, that would not plot against Russia, especially against its future, or that would not try to harm it. And that is why Russia's sole approach towards Western powers cannot not lie in forming an alliance with one or another of these powers, but in separating them, in sowing division. For it is only when they are divided that they cease to be hostile to us – out of impotence, of course – never out of conviction." Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, 1864.

Unfortunately, nothing has changed in the past 160 years. And the tasks remain the same – to maximally weaken and humiliate the West, including Europe. The United States itself is helping us in this endeavour. After all, their goal is to impose their domination over the Old World (as well as the rest of the world). 

And, then, there can be only one goal – the collapse of the United States itself. Or, at least, the creation of a full-fledged counterweight to America, as was the case with the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. And here, the prospects for a new balance are already visible: the SCO, BRICS, other regional groupings, as well as a comprehensive relationship with the Global South.


RT. BRICS melting pot. 22 October, 2024.

BRICS 2024. Russian Federation Chairship Priorities.

BBC. N Korea sends troops to fight with Russia: Seoul. 18 October, 2024.

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