The Hebrew Roots Movement is DANGEROUS

6 hours ago

This witness encounter exposes the dangers of Messianic and Hebrew Roots theology and demonstrates why Torahism and can hinder people from coming to the knowledge of the grace of God. Our Hebrew Roots, Torah-observant friends profess a faith in Jesus but also want to keep the Old Testament law. They fail to understand Ephesians 3 regarding the "middle wall of partition" being removed between the Jew and Gentile, thereby having a new "body" called the "church". During this current dispensation "there is neither Jew nor Greek." It doesn't make sense pursue both grace and the works of there law. The entire book of Galatians addresses this very topic. Watch the conversation unfold and Rose understand grace for the very first time. Notice... I did not denounce her dietary, clothing, or festival preferences, thereby, respecting her LIBERTIES to do such and avoided unnecessary points of contention, but rather kept the grace of God the main focus.

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