I Love Him (FWBC)

4 months ago

I Love Him Lyrics

Gone from my heart the world and all its charms;
Gone are my sins and all that would alarm;
Gone evermore, and by His grace I know
The precious blood of Jesus cleanses white as snow.

I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation on Calv’ry’s tree.

Once I was lost upon the plains of sin;
Once was a slave to doubt and fears within;
Once was afraid to trust a loving God,
But now my guilt is washed away in Jesus’ blood.

I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation on Calv’ry’s tree.

Once I was bound, but now I am set free;
Once I was blind, but now the light I see;
Once I was dead, but now in Christ I live,
To tell the world the peace that He alone can give.

I love Him, I love Him,
Because He first loved me,
And purchased my salvation on Calv’ry’s tree.

➤ Lyrics & Music: From English Hymn Book | S.C. Foster
➤ Soul Stirring Songs & Hymns
➤ The audio and image are from Faithful Word Baptist Church (faithfulwordbaptist.org) [non-copyrighted].

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