SOUND & How it Affects Change

4 months ago

This is one of three videos explaining how we can work our natural body technology with Elementals, to clear and re-direct energy. I refer to my facebook Group 'Elementals Combat Weather' and my new group: 'Sacrificial Site Cleansing'.

If You Are Real Words and Music Isabel Aimee INSPIRITION
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Channeled from my Soul:
“Not everything is applicable to be understood in one day. There are forces at work that you don't know about. This is old tech, and it is strange to your mind. You are trying to encompass some form of understanding, and some of it feels just "silly”. "Silly, silly, silly, silly", that was the word used by your masculine counterparts, in your childhood, your brother and your father. You are battling against the “silly”.
We want you to look straight at the sound: There is a ‘box’ of sound with the sounds you are making; what do we mean by that? Yes, you have this knowledge that an overtone is a fourth and a fourth and a fourth, so that you have an octave and you have other frequency.
But let us try and discuss this in a way that makes more sense to you: there is something about the technological variation described in tones, that you do not gel with.
-The way music has been summed-up together in this life, in these words, with this modern age, you do not gel- and that is the problem here for you to understand/explain specifically what is actually happening.
I am going to be giving you a series of images; turn the page, you will see the first image:
The first image i saw was a cube and a cloud. the cube was red, (partly coloured-in).
Cube=square, facets, regular shape.
Cloud= amorphous, roundy-curvy, multi-curvy-shapes. The tells me instantly the ‘aim’ I am going for: what my voice is doing is the ‘curvy-thing” the ‘cloud-thing” - sometimes it has more, sometimes it has more “stuff” ( like the wind-noises, the guttural edges, the extra whistle wolf-notes etc), that doe snot apply tote rules we are taught.
Remember the rules we are taught are a limiting this. Just like we are taught, ‘we are allowed to see this’, and that ‘other thing’ does not exist, because you cannot see it.
So we are taught to limit our belief, our perceptions through our eyes. And in the same way it is with the ears and the frequencies. Just because you are taught, “yes, it’s in fourths, and octaves!” Yes! AND….
4.05 I ask for a second image to explain what the ‘other stuff’ is in my voice, when it is coming out:
I have a riverbed with fish in it and gravel and water and bubbles and reeds reflected in the pond. - Telling me there are many layers to my sound- of which I am aware.
Some the wind sounds I have made recently have really touched people. They come ‘over the top’ of the main tone. The German call “Hauch”, which is not ‘wanted’ in traditional singing.
And then a main tone, the fourths and the octave.

The debate about the specific healing frequencies of 345 hz and 528hr and 720hz etc , which I have always disagreed with because it is too simplistic/stupid. Sound is far more adaptable flexible diverse than we can imagine.

Animals are not afraid of making the other sounds around the edges. These different sounds are hard for us because we have bene trained from the womb into acceptable social sounds: shocked by some, soothed by others, based upon the emotional reaction of our parents and social field.
6.06 I bring in the example of the word, “fuck”- a good word because of the soft beginning and the hard end- perfect for ‘holding energy’. Yet completely discredited and inciting extreme reactions, it doesn’t fit to their code of mores.

And this is what we have done with all aspects of our vocal sound.
And that is why you are still feeling a ‘little weird’ doing these rich diverse sounds. I am promised I will be helped- by my full Soul on this.

7.00 I turn the page to get more information.
I am yawning…as I see a drawing of a sunrise in the picture, with lots of coloured parallel lines of fields and hill in front of the rising sun with its radial rays.
The sun rising is the main tone.
the other lines are the other sound.
the rays are the energy radiating from the main sound.

So I ask about the radiant energy of the tones that I sing:
the voicework , specific to you.
Each human has a specific tonal quality, because it relates to the soul purpose they have come here to do.

9.00 I asked about the design of my voice and this was the response I got from my spirit: each human has a unique voice, a reflection of their soul mission. “Mine is calming, bringing to the self.”

Enabling the alignment of each being I am with, to adjust so that it is more in connection with itself, with its soul. Every sound you utter, everything you do, is designed to just shift something into gear. For yourself and for the other, so that as much of the soul essence can enter the physical body.
This is what we are calling Ascension.
That is what your voice is designed to do.

When I’m making/manufacturing the specific sounds in this case for the firefighters to insight/excite the thought structures in the human beings listening to it, to enable them to speak to the fire, to the energy beings in the world, to help, to change, to shift.
It is a button –you are pressing a button, a permission slip, a DNA trigger – sitting on a specific target, turning it on a little more. Lighting up the board a little.
10.50 your intention moving through this sound – you see the images of these different energy beings of nature: the air(they can look like angels) And water seeing stories going on in my mind as the sound is coming through my mouth.
The sound coming through and the story is coming through. It is equivalent to the biofeedback loop, to structural coupling between the image and the allowance of the sound out. The sound is a reflection of the image (the creation).
12.00 is there a specific energetic shift which occurs in the world or in the listener or in both?
12.34 (yawning) explanation of the yawn: it tells you, you have permission to take a full breath: fill your lungs with oxygen, to admit to yourself you are happy to be at rest, at peace with relaxation. It is a signal, an acceptance signal.

The sound is giving information to your mind.
The sound is the creator of the thought
You have the image of the thought, and the sound of the allowance of the thought.

“ and in the beginning, there was the word and the word was God”
The sound is the creating of the thought.
The Sound is a field of weirdness. yes, it takes you away from your ability to think:
In producing a sound, you have to use your breathing strength to enable the pressure to hold for these archaic overtones. You’re listening to the sound with your muscles as you adjust your entire perception to create the space for the imagination to be created.
People listen to the Crystal Bowls to allow space within their mind for the information of Saul to move in.
15.23 Does this do work in the world when you make sound?
Are you creating sound, which is giving energy to elementals, to change the weather?
Is it your thought that does that: in engagement telepathy, in one nurse in the field of the divine creation of this planet?
Or is it directly the packet of sound, somehow directly reaching them, even though you may be thousands of miles away?
16.36 we will answer question two first: (and I see an image of a bouncing ball like a tennis ball, but it is a hard leather ball which is bouncing, an impossibility.)
Sound travels quantumly as an energy- quanta to the beings.
I am audaciously inviting being served never met
I am presuming they’re open for the
And presuming they are not already on the case
I am presuming my intent/wish/Will, has the effect to direct them and my sound is feeding them in some manner, to enable them/allowing them.
18.25 to answer this question we must answer the question currently on the Internet: the bell.

My name is is a bell – one of the funny reasons I chose my name. The sound of my voice is like a bell sometimes.(the sound in the space of my room shifts at this point to prove a point.)
The bells that were removed: a big bell of metal hit with a hammer, has a radiant vibration. You would literally see the sound waves travel out from that enormous bell, they would never end, they would just be weaker and weaker and weaker to infinity.
A big bell of metal travels far, it holds a frequency with that tone, that note all around it radially if the metal has been caste with integrity and it is regular.
You have a frequency outreach in a certain radius that is the bell.
A pressure wave is equivalent to sound.
What is wind? A pressure wave.
What creates the weather? The pressure waves due to temperature.
Temperature shifts? Pressure waves in series with each other.
Temperature from the Sun and the lack of sun the dark or the light whether the Sun is beyond the horizon it is day or night and the amount of cloud cover affect the temperature of the air.
The temperature of the air affect the evaporation of the surface of whatever is evaporating: the land the plants the people, the animals, the lakes the sea

The amount of sun affects the pressure
The amount of sun affects how much water is turned into a gas.

When the water and the other gases in the air are warmed, the gas is spread apart and the pressure between them is less.
A warm sky has a lower identity of molecules

When a bell is struck to keep a storm at bay, it is creating a standing wave, pushing against the pressure systems of the wind and weather.
It is pushing an equal and opposite pressure if you get the right size of bell.
The standing wave is when two equivalent opposite wave vibrations come together and they form a push and then the one with the most strength dominates. If they are equal and opposite it is a standstill and that’s why you have an eye in the storm.
The bells were used to keep the storms away
23.20 how does your sound travel from here in Somerset all the way to Florida or the Caribbean? Is that possible?
Yes, it is tiny, a tiny bell, and the people who listen to my recording and some of them were in their area added to this but it was tiny
24.00 the air pressure changed when you put that sound into it: you put a specifically pattern sound into the
24.20 you know the Artist is full of water vapour on a day when it seems that the clouds have touched the ground, there is in enormous pressure, and enormous amount of water
On a dry day, the gas is far apart, there is less water vapour in the air
We know from Mazzaro immortal and from Veda Austin, Monica Painter and her friends and all the channelling conversations with the spirit of water I have done over the past two years: water has the ability to retain information.

It is the biological organic computer of this realm.
You put into the air a specifically shaped piece of sound (this is the juicy bit-, because once you understand it in the positive you also understand it in your negative effect, and how it has been used in the music industry.
25.26 Your creation, your pattern created in the feedback loop telepathically connecting with the place and the beings (genius loci) of that system of air and water.
It is a feedback loop, telepathically, via the quantum realm, where time and space do not exist.

You access it simply because you are the one with the field in that state of open receiving in full connection with your being, your spirit, your full soul, I am presence.
And this information (of which specific sounds), is sent with your mind and your body and your spirit produces the sound, the quanta. It is output into little Somerset, in a church or out on your allotment wherever you do this, but it is there, it is there.
It is imprinted. It is a shape, it is a construction.

You need to start to draw the shape, the form-piece. I see it a bit like a crystal: some Romboid shapes and many non-cubic forms. Almost how I saw the package of sound I created. There are the regular octaves and the fourth is the Pythagorean system the tempered scale and there are other, organic shapes of the sound, and it forms a piece of information which is moved into the field
28.40 your connectivity into the telepathic field – from Bernd Hellinger’s constellations, to general information about telepathy: it is instant it is instant, it is instant.
You put out a quantum of sound here it travels as thought. It is translated and transferred to the weather elementals.

Substantially, they receive an ‘almost nothing’- in mint, minuscule homeopathic dose of it across the airways.- Those thousands of miles dilution
However, it exists. And as the connection was made, the bridge to those beings, just like the Schrödinger’s cat experiment, it existed with me and with them. it existed simultaneously through the thought in connection they are in it, they are with me they are with the sound.
They hold that sound, that pattern that frequency, that energy – it is a specific informational code which was in this case, “ please do this, do this please do this”

I will go into the pop music industry another time properly, but energy has been added in the same manner (Peter Moon and the Preston Nichols books explain this) - to every single piece of pop music you’ve heard since the 1950s.
In a similar way the iPhones and iPads do the same thing with colour completely distorting it to very dirty colours. This is deliberate lowering a frequency.

I have courses on GNOSTICtv, out very soon on their university platform or you can contact me direct to learn how to work with your voice in this way:

Truth Social:



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