China writer reveals hidden US interference in Moldova poll

16 hours ago

Video: China writer reveals hidden US interference in Moldova poll. The western mainstream media is shouting about Russian political interference in the Moldova poll. 中國作家揭露美國對摩爾多瓦民調的隱密幹預。西方主流媒體大肆指責俄羅斯政治幹預摩爾多瓦民調.

Watch me dig for just 171 seconds to discover HUGE amounts of American political interference in Moldova! Shame on the FT, BBC, Times, etc 看我只花了 171 秒就發現了美國對摩爾多瓦的大量政治幹預!英國《金融時報》、英國廣播公司、《泰晤士報》等的恥辱

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