Faithkeepers full movie

9 hours ago

In the Middle East, the birthplace of Christianity, Christians and other minorities are being violently persecuted, driven out of their homes, and killed. Their places of worship are being destroyed, and their history is being erased.
Faithkeepers gives face and voice to the humanitarian crisis and genocide affecting millions in the Middle East as a result of religious and ethnic persecution.
The film is a testament to the stories of the persecuted and an inspiring portrait of the human spirit.
Faithkeepers – the movie and movement – will awaken, enlighten and inspire all people of faith to stand up and take action.

Special thx to the Free Burma Rangers and the Dave Eubank familly wife and children all heroes in my book each and every single one of them bringing relief where ever there is persecution.
I hold these ppl in highest regard as all true Christians putting themselves in harmes way to save and rescue others like Jesus Christ and the bible teaches us . Meet the Eubank familly.
Another special thx to the Clarion Project who made this documentary possible . Peace out .

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